標題: 臺十五線易肇事地點評定與改善對策之研究
Research for Route Tai-15's Estimation of Accident-prone Location and Improvement Measures
作者: 陳敬明
Hwang Cherng-chwan
關鍵字: 肇事率;易肇事危險績效值;accidental rate;value of accident-prone jeopardy estimating
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 西部濱海縱貫公路改善計畫係政府十四項重大建設之一,其中台十五線,(關渡橋-香山段)於民國八十七年七月改善完成,對於提昇行車效率有正面效益。但通車後肇事率與肇事嚴重性有偏高之現象,因此本研究透過肇事資料之蒐集分析依所建構之評定模式確認易肇事地點,分析其肇事原因,據以研擬改善對策,以減低肇事之發生機率及嚴重性。
The Western Coastal Penetrated-island Expressway's improvement plan is one of the government's fourteen major projects , among of them that Route Tai-15(Kuantu Bridge-Hsiangshan)has been completely finished in July,1998. It has observable positive benefits on behalf of upgrading its traffic efficiency, nevertheless, the sign of accidental rate has risen and has become more serious after operation. Therefore, this study is not only through getting accidental data to analyze, but also to build up the module of estimation for accident-prone location identity, the cause of accident analysis, and that come up with improvement measures to reduce the possibility of accident and its severity.
This study is the Western Coastal Expressway in Hsinchu County and in Hsinchu City, and that the accident has taken place within one and one half of year. Initially, according to its performance value of accident-prone jeopardy estimating its location, secondly, based on its accident types and accident causes, there countermeasures are provided by means of method and step after reviewed and then main four-type issues are induced by analyzing its accident causes as well as accident types and road conditions.
On the other hand, that questions are too high density of road cross, poor geometrical road condition, linking up on both road type changing and speed shifting, traffic safety is induced distinction between the operation characteristic of Western Coastal Expressway and highway are also offered its an example for improvement, respectively.
Besides, owing to current accident-prone location is frequently dissolved by people's representative's proposal, people's appeal or road-inspector, that are odds and ends and out of our plan.
Therefore, we need to create a standard operation procedure for accident-prone location improvement, and we pledge that unify the operation proceedings, various forms necessarily. So that, we can reach the goal of standardization as well as process and that will provide as a reference to road administration for improvement.
Appears in Collections:Thesis