標題: 由道路交通系統負荷能力推估社區開發強度之研究-以南港經貿園區為例
To Determine the Development Intensity of Community Based on Road Capacity -The Case Study of Nangang Economic-Trade Park
作者: 楊欽文
Chin-Wen Yang
Cherng-Chwan Hwang
關鍵字: 道路交通系統負荷能力;社區開發強度;Road Capacity;Development Intensity of Community
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 聯外道路系統乃社區土地開發案基本考慮因素之一。臺灣地區過去由於新社區開發未能充份考量其聯外道路交通系統是否允當,而造成道路交通擁塞,致生活品質低落之情況時有所聞。其中又以都市地區影響最為嚴重,乃因都市地區平均開發密度較高,而大規模之社區開發案所造成之交通衝擊往往對其週邊之已開發地區產生負面影響,實有必要予以特別重視。 傳統的都市計畫規劃方式,一般在規劃階段大多僅考量社區聯外道路及交通設施之有無,未能清楚描述道路交通系統與土地開發強度間之關係,並就道路容量與社區開發強度之關連性予以分析,因此都市計畫主管機關在進行都市計畫通盤檢討,多有聯外道路系統相對不足之情況,致開發完成後,產生交通衝擊,其中又以台北市東湖地區開發案最為典型。 因此本研究乃以南港經貿園區為例,針對各種不同土地使用類別,分別探討其旅次發生率,以分析其衍生交通量;及每單位土地開發收益,並以線性規劃之數學模式,將「土地開發收益最大」及「聯外道路交通服務水準最佳」分別設定為規劃目標式,再設計三種運具分配情境,採情境分析方法,探討各種不同土地使用分區之最適開發規模,並就其可能產生之問題,提出因應對策與具體建議,以供都市計畫主管機關在進行通盤檢討規劃時之參考。
The connector road system is one of the basic elements of community planning. However, in Taiwan area, the suitability of connector road system has not been taken into consideration in community planning process over the past decades. And that not only cause the traffic congestion, but also downward the quality of life, especially in urban area. Besides, the large scale community development project usually brings negative impact on its surroundings. The planning issue mentioned above should be put more emphasis. In traditional urban planning process, the relationship between road system and the intensity of land development has usually been ignored. As a result, it’s common that road system is as less capacity as expected in developed community. The East-hu area in Taipei city provide a typical experience of that. This study attempt to analyse the derived trips of different land use categories, that takes the example of “NanGang Economic-Trade Park”, aiming at the different kind of zoning and their trip-generation rate to analyze the derived traffic volume, and the benefit of unit land development. The research also adopts the linear planning mathematics model, setting “Maximum land development benefit “and “Optimal connecter road level of service ” as the planning objective equation. Besides, this research designs three scenario of modal distribution , use scenario analysis methods, discussing the adaptive development scale of different kind of zoning. At last, this research proposes the corresponding strategies and suggestions to the probable problems for the reference of the authorities of urban planning when they are in the overall review and planning.