Title: 市區汽車客運路線經營權開放制度之設計
Institutional Design of Deregulation for the Route Franchise of Local Motor Carriers
Authors: 郭奕妏
Kuo Yi Wen
Feng Cheng Min
Keywords: 市區汽車客運業;經營權;開放制度;Local Motor Carriers;Franchise;Institution of Deregulation
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 現行市區汽車客運路線經營權之取得係採申請核准制,整套制度不夠周延完備,並無審議委員會的設置,且經營許可年限過長,市場缺少競爭者,加上缺少監督評鑑作業,難以約束客運服務品質,這種申請、補貼與監督分別辦理的作法,使現行制度存在諸多問題,確實有必要重新予以檢討與革新,以健全市區汽車客運路線經營權之開放的遊戲規則。因此,有別於其他相關研究與制度均從微觀角度思考經營權之開放,本研究擬依系統性分析方式,以巨觀角度全面思考整套開放制度;本研究目的在於建立一套適合開放制度之分析架構,以進行開放制度之設計,並研擬重要的構成要件,以提供日後將開放制度付諸法令化之依據。
Currently, the franchise for local motor carriers is approved directly by local government because there is no reviewing committees. This system was imperfect for its long concession periods, lack of competitors in the market and supervision in the monitoring process. The present practice, which separates application, subsidy and supervision, should be improved to conform the deregulation policy. Therefore, this study applies a systematic method to comprehensively explore the deregulation of motor carriers, and aims at establishing an appropriate system architecture for the institutional design.
Four steps structure the system architecture for the deregulation of motor carries:
1) Problem analysis of the Present Institution: Emphasize on discussing the drawbacks of the present institution.
2) Fundamental Concept of the Institution of Deregulation: In both theory and practice, the deregulating franchise will create a competitive market and provide service under contract, which brings benefits such as cost savings, service improvement, and operation efficiency. The research also concludes the design principles, considering aspects of government, operator and user.
3) General Institutional Design of Deregulation: After considering the properties of the institution of deregulating franchise, 5W and 1H (Why, Whom, What, Where, When & How) are chosen as the designing elements. Any possible condition which satisfies the performing situations could be combined as several feasible plans..
4) Components of the Institution of Deregulation: The critical content of the institution of deregulation is stated individually from organization, application for franchise, norm of operations to legal regulations.
At the end, in the case study of the local motor carriers in downtown Taichung, several feasible plans were employed as the references for assigning the routes and working out ways of implementation. Moreover, this study draws up the components of the institution according to the administrative properties, which could be the key reference in the legislative process afterward.
Appears in Collections:Thesis