Title: 於越南建立成功國產連鎖店系統-以PHO 24為例
Building a successful home-grown franchising system in Vietnam - A case study of PHO 24
Authors: 陶清心
Dao, Thi Thanh Tam
Wu, Muh-Cherng
Keywords: 本土的;連鎖企業;franchising;home-grown;pho 24
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 在2007年越南加入WTO之後,連鎖店產業的成長率達到每年將近20%,並且將在2011年越南完全加入WTO之後將100%開放外國企業投資。雖然該產業成長快速,卻只有少數越南本土連鎖企業能夠成長並且獲利。而本研究的目標-PHO 24是越南本土最大並且最專業的連鎖店企業,而且在越南國內以及國際上都能夠迅速的成長。
本研究目的在給予讀者對於越南本土連鎖企業在培養過程、已達成的目標與現存尚待解決的問題一個綜觀的概述,最重要的是藉由分析本研究目標-PHO 24可以為連鎖企業要快速成長帶來一些新的見解。
本研究發現越南當地的文化跟法律深深影響著連鎖企業,此外,除了傳統例如Agency Theory, Resource Constraints Theory and Transaction Cost Theory等連鎖企業擴張策略之外,加盟者跟加盟主之間的控制和合作過程中逐漸採取一個新的混合型態,不僅只採用一種方式合作。藉由這些發現可以給越南當地的連鎖企業一個通用且可以增進管理效率的建議。
After Vietnam joined WTO in November 2007, franchising industry has achieved a very high growth rate, approximately 20% each year and it is said to be more dramatic when Vietnam meets the full commitment to WTO in 2011, allowing 100% foreign invested business. However, despite the rapid growth of the industry, only a handful of home-grown franchising systems are seen to be growing profitably and professionally. Among those few local entries, PHO 24 is said to be the largest and most professional franchise system which has achieved rapid growth in both Vietnam and internationally.
The research gives the readers an overview about franchising development in Vietnam, achievements as well as existing issues that need to be solved. Most importantly, a thorough analysis of PHO 24 franchising system will be carried out to give some insight into the franchising strategies employed by the organization to achieve rapid growth. The findings indicate that cultural and legal contexts heavily influence the franchisor’s philosophy. Therefore, besides the traditional explanations of franchise like agency theory, resource constraints theory and transaction cost theory, an alternative hybrid model of franchising is adopted to improve control and collaboration between franchisor and franchisees. From those findings, some suggestions are made to improve the efficiency and control of the system in particular and Vietnamese home-grown franchising systems in general.
Appears in Collections:Thesis