標題: 基隆港棧埠作業民營化前後績效之評比
Analysis of the Efficiency of Pre & Post Privatisation of Keelung Harbour Warehousing Operation
作者: 胡迪琦
Ti-Chi HU
Huang Cheng-Chuan
關鍵字: 基隆港;Keelung Harbour
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 基隆港棧埠作業民營化前後績效之評比 研究生:胡迪琦 指導教授:黃承傳 國立交通大學交通運輸研究所 摘要 台灣為海島經濟型態國家,海運扮演極為重要之角色,有鑑於此,政府積極推動之亞太營運中心海運轉運中心計畫,希望發展台灣成為東亞地區貨櫃轉口相關附加價值活動之集中地點,而提昇港埠作業效率及競爭力即為首要之務。 民營化已為各國政府解決公營部門營運效率低落之直覺反應,為力挽基隆港逐年衰退之趨勢,在政府政策之推動下,基隆港繼高雄港之後於八十八年一月一日開放棧埠作業由民間經營。 本研究即以基隆港為主要分析研究對象,蒐集民營化前後相關營運資料,籍由統計檢定之分析,探討不同貨種之毛裝卸效率、延人工時裝卸效率、延機工時裝卸效率及港務局財務收支等不同指標之變化情形,以深入了解基隆港埠作業民營化後之成效。 經由統計檢定結果顯示,在毛貨物裝卸效率方面,除穀物裝卸效率及其他貨種裝卸效率外,貨櫃、散雜貨之毛裝卸效率,於民營化後皆有顯著之成長;在延人工時及延機工時作業效率方面,各貨種之裝卸效率於民營化後亦有顯著之進步。另在財務指標上,對港務局而言,雖收入有小褔之下降,支出有微量之提高,然應不致造成港務局過大之負擔。 整體而言,基隆港於民營化後已展現了實質之成效,然而在制度上仍有部分缺失,因此本研究另針對民營化所衍生之問題提出落實港埠秩序管理、嚴格管制服務品質、避免削價競爭及健全企業經營理念等建議,期望對政府及相關單位在未來政策推動上有所助益。
Analysis of the Efficiency of Pre & Post Privatisation of Keelung Harbour Warehousing Operation Candidate: Hu Ti-chi Adviser: Prof. Huang Cheng-chuan Graduate Institute of Transportation, National Chiao Tung University Abstract Being a nation of island economy, ocean shipping is critical to Taiwan. On account of which, the government has been actively promoting the Plan for Asia Pacific Regional Ocean Shipping Transit Centre with the hope of developing Taiwan into a cargo transit centre with added-value activities in the East Asia region. Toward such ends, the enhancement of harbour operation efficiency and competitiveness has become a vital issue. Privatisation has become the instinctive reaction for many governments in solving the low efficiency problem of state business operations. To salvage Keelung Harbour's progressing decline, propelled by the government policy, Keelung Harbour's warehousing was released to the private sector on car-park January 1999 following the Kaohsiung Harbour. This study is focused on Keelung Harbour; related data before and after the privatisation have been gathered, and through statistical analysis, the loading/unloading efficiency of varied cargo categories, the efficiency of recruiting workers for the loading/ unloading, the machine loading/unloading efficiency and the financial status of the department of port affairs are used as indices in gaining indepth understanding of post-privatisation operation efficiency of Keelung Harbour. The statistical evaluation shows that in cargo loading/unloading efficiency, other than grains and other cargoes, the operation of cargo containers and loose cargoes has shown significant growth after the privatisation. With the worker and machinery efficiency, the operation of all cargo categories show apparent progress after the privatisation. In addition, with the financial indices, although the department of port affairs shows slight decline in income and mild increase in expenditure, the situation would not impose excessive burden on to the department of port affairs. Overall, Keelung Harbour has demonstrated actual results after the privatisation. Nonetheless, certain parts of the system remain to be improved. Therefore, in addressing the problems entailed from privatisation, this study further proposes pragmatic practice of port order management, stringent control of service quality, prevention against malicious price reduction competition and sound corporate management concept with the hope of service to the government and related organisations in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis