標題: 修正估計函數
Modified Estimating Functions
作者: 陳建豪
Jiann-Haur Chen
Chih-Rung Chen
關鍵字: 感興趣的參數;有偏的估計函數;漸近均方差;估計函數;修正估計函數;parameter of interest;biased estimating function;asymptotic mean squared error;estmating functions;modified estimating function
公開日期: 1999
摘要: Firth 在 1993 年提出一個修正的計分函數藉以移除最大概似估計的一階漸近偏誤。在本篇論文中,我們利用他的方法求出一個修正的估計函數以降低原始估計的均方差。然後,再以廣義最小平方估計法為例來說明修正估計函數的用途。
Firth (1993) proposed a modified score function to remove the first-order term of the asymptotic bias of the maximum likelihood estimator. In this paper, we utilize his method to propose a modified estimating function to reduce the asymptotic mean squared error of the original estimator. Then we give an example from the generalized least squares method to illustrate the usefulness of this theory.
Appears in Collections:Thesis