標題: 網際網路遊戲發展平台之研究
Study of Development Platform for On-Line Game Over Internet
作者: 陳凌彬
Ling-Bin Chen
I-Chen Wu
關鍵字: 線上遊戲;網際網路;WWW;Java;C/C++;Peer-to-Peer;On-Line Game;Internet;WWW;Java;C/C++;Peer-to-Peer
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 在網際網路使用日益普遍的今天,許多網際網路的應用不斷地推陳出新,其中網路遊戲是其中蓬勃發展的一項。在以往,網路遊戲的設計者必須自行處理許多的問題,如網路連線的情形,使用者的註冊、管理,遊戲畫面的處理等等。這些往往帶給程式設計者許多不必要的負擔,無法全心專注於遊戲本身。 在本篇論文之中,我們提出新的遊戲設計方式,從過去的Client-Server架構,轉變成以Client之間互動為設計概念的遊戲設計方式。並且依照新的遊戲設計模式,設計出新的網際網路遊戲發展平台,在平台中提供簡易且標準化的遊戲設計方式,並在平台本體的架構上採用開放式的網路架構設計,提供未來最佳化的途徑。
As the Internet grows rapidly, many new applications appear in Internet. Games over Internet get more and more popular. In the past, designers of Internet games needed to take care of many problem, such as network connecting, user registry and management, etc. These problems make game designers not concentrate on game designing. In this thesis, we propose a new model for on-line game designs over Internet, transfering from the model of Client-Server to Peer-to-Peer. Based on this model, we can construct a development platform of on-line game over Internet. In this new platfom, the mode of on-line game design have been a standard. The network structure of development platform will be easy to modify as we wish, too.