Title: 形態骨架法與篩選法理論及應用之研究
A Study on Theroies and Applications of Morphological Skeletonization and Granulometry
Authors: 詹森仁
Sen-Ren Jan
Dr. Yuang-Cheh Hsueh
Keywords: 數學形態學;形態骨架法;篩選法;乏晰中軸轉換;空間關係;相容法;聚集法;分水嶺演算法;Mathematical morphology;Morphological skeletonization;Granulometry;Fuzzy medial axis transformation;Spatial relations;Compatibility method;Aggregation method;Watershed algorithm
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 在圖形識別與電腦視覺系統□,影像中物件的幾何性質是非常有用的特徵,要顯示物件的特徵常常需要簡潔的表示方式,一個常用的幾何形狀表示方法就是骨架法,骨架法能簡化物件形狀成中軸線表示法,同時能夠保留物件的幾何訊息。近年來,形態影像處理已經成為影像處理的一個重要研究領域,數學型態學能提供有用的工具來探索物件的幾何性質,其中一個重要的形狀表示方法就是形態骨架法。
Geometrical properties of objects in an image are very useful features for pattern recognition and computer vision systems. To represent and characterize the objects, a compact and approximate representation is often needed. A generally used geometrical shape representation is the skeleton representation. It reduces object shape to an axial representation and preserves most of its geometrical information. In recent years, morphological image processing has grown to a major area of study within image processing. Mathematical morphology provides a useful tool for inspecting the geometrical properties of objects. One important shape representation method is morphological skeletonization.
Morphological skeletonization is defined based on the concept of grassfire. In this dissertation, we briefly review the morphological skeleton transformation and the mathematical morphology. With the help of the notion of l-images, we extend the binary morphological skeletonization to gray scale images. Therefore, we make a comparative study between morphological skeletonization (MSK) and fuzzy medial axis transformation (FMAT). To simplify the comparison, a special case of our extension is selected. The methods are proposed to perform the translation between MSK and FMAT. For the case of the translation from MSK to the convex FMAT, the experimental results reveal that the proposed method can effectively produce the convex FMAT. In particular, the proposed method is faster than the original method for smoothed images.
The relevant topics of the morphological skeleton transformation are also investigated. One of them is the skeleton by influence zones (or SKIZ). The skeleton by influence zones is a variant of the skeleton when we consider the skeleton of the background of an image. An effective method to find the SKIZ is using the watershed algorithm. Based on the concept of SKIZ, we propose a new approach for recognizing the primitive spatial relations between objects or regions in a segmented image. The approach is compared with the aggregation and compatibility methods. The experimental result shows the proposed approach is effective and fast. The other relative topic is called granulometry, or called pattern spectrum by Maragos. Morphological granulometry is introduced by Matheron and is modeled as a sieving process of a random binary image based on the size and shape of grains within the image. Recently, Dougherty and his colleagues introduced the concept of local size distribution. When it is applied to pixel classification, the problem of window size arises. Thus, we present a method to predict the window size when determining the local granulometry for a structural texture image set. The proposed method is based on the concept of periodicity property of structural texture images. It suggests that one may choose the minimum odd number not less than the maximum periods of texture images as a window size.
Appears in Collections:Thesis