標題: 台電公司營運可靠度與績效改進策略
Strategy for improving operational reliability and perforrmance of Taiwan Power Company
作者: 林翰榮
David H.R. Lin
Prof. Cherng G. Ding
關鍵字: 可靠度;韋伯模式;貝氏模式;安全度評估模式;Reliability;Weibull Model;Bayesian Model;PRA Model
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 台電公司自民國35年5月成立以來至民國93年5月,營運已達58年之久,對台灣50餘年來社會民生、經濟發展有著卓越的貢獻。由於民國84年以後政府積極推動、開放台灣地區電力市場的自由化、民營化,到91年度已核准15家民營業者籌設電廠,此時民營電廠裝置容量已達全電力系統15%,發電量亦達13%,電力市場已有競爭趨勢。   在生產力方面,自1990年至2001年之12年裡,美國核能機組大(歲)修工期自105天減至37天,同期間,台電公司則自77天減至53天顯然生產力仍有許多提升的空間。   台電公司是一個擁有眾多設備為生產基礎的服務公司,該公司的經營對內是面臨公司之設備可靠、工作安全、經營績效、公司盈餘、股東及員工權益、社會關懷等方面的挑戰,對外則是面臨在國內電力市場與民營電廠愈趨激烈的競爭,此外還更肩負提升國家競爭力之挑戰,因此甚麼是該公司良好的經營策略是一個刻不容緩的議題。   本研究是在探討提升台電公司可靠度與績效之經營策略,初以韋伯、貝氏與安全度評估等成熟模式導入,整理推導後產生一個以可靠度理論為基礎,並對新、舊設備均可適用的新模式再以某核電廠四個設備為例證明此一模式確實可行進而引申出之管理經營策略意含為「改變經營觀念、各層級注入知識、豐富制度內含及組織彈性變革」。   最後本研究建議台電公司在思維上採用以可靠度理論取代以純時間作為標準之維修模式、在規劃上應考量包含管理意含各個構面,而在執行上以解凍、變革、回凍並與中國式管理等配套措施漸進辦理,如此就構成了台電的精實改進策略,此一策略如能切實執行,就可徹底改變該公司體質進而大幅提升該公司的營運可靠度與績效。
Since Taiwan power company was established in May 1946, the company has long been a strong support to the development of the society and economy of Taiwan for half a century. However, the government started to implement the liberalization of electricity market and privatization of the company in 1995. As of the end of 2002, the government has approved 15 independent private producers to prepare to build the power stations. At present, the installed capacity of existing private power plants at that time reaches 15% of total electricity system in Taiwan and their power production reaches 13% of the total power production in Taiwan. The trend of competition arises at the electric market. From the productivity aspect, the overhaul period of nuclear power units in U.S was reduced from 105 days in 1990 to 37 days in 2001 during the 12 years. However, the overhaul period of nuclear power units of Taiwan Power Company was reduced from 77 days to 53 days at the same period of time. In one way, it shows there is an obvious space for Taipower to improve its productivity. Taiwan Power Company is a service company with lots of capital-intensive facilities for production of electricity. It is facing the internal challenges including equipment reliability, working safety, operational performance, corporate net income, shareholders’ and employees’ interests, social responsibility on the one hand; as well as the external challenges such as the increasingly brisk competition at the local liberalized market and the duties for improving the national core competency on the other hand. Therefore, it needs an immediate attention to improve the way of its operation. In this research, I am going to probe the most efficient operation strategy on the reliability and performance of the Taiwan Power Company. At the beginning of this research, I will use Weibull、Bayesian and Probabilistic Risk Assessment(PRA)proven models to integrate the information and therefore form a new model based on reliability theory. After that, the examples of four equipments of a nuclear station will be applied to this new model and prove this model is feasible. By this new proven new model, there is a new operation strategy with four constructs to be illustrated. The four constructs include changing the concept of operation; improving the knowledge of various hierarchical levels; enriching the contents of company system; and improving the flexibility of the organization. In conclusion, I would like to propose the following suggestions: In thinking, the Taiwan Power Company should adopt the maintenance model based on reliability theory model instead of time-based model. In planning, the company should consider the afore-mentioned constructs from the viewpoint of management. In implementation, the company should gradually proceed with measures step by step, from defrosting, transforming to refreezing, along with Chinese-style management. These measures will get the lean improvement strategy in shape, which, if actually fulfilled, will completely change the corporate constitution so as to improve the operation reliability and performance of the company.