標題: 固體內低速輕原子電子阻擋本領之研究
Electronic Stopping Power for Low-Velocity Light-Atoms in Solids
作者: 周敬智
Jinq-Jyh Chou
Cheng-May Kwei
關鍵字: 電子阻擋本領;殼層化;electronic stopping power;shellwise
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 根據介電質理論,我們研究固體內低速原子的電子阻擋本領。為了包含固體中電子小範圍校正和交換作用的效應,使用所謂的區域場修正之介電質函數。我們也引用原子的殼層化電子密度分佈解析式,並且同時考慮固體中導電帶電子對入射原子之殼層化電子的遮蔽效應。 在本論文中,我們計算原子序為6到18的低速原子,分別在鋁、鎳、金和銀等四個不同的介質中之電子阻擋本領,並且從中得到了其隨著原子序振盪的現象。最後,我們的計算結果也會與其他的理論結果和實驗數值互相比較。
Based on the dielectric response theory, the electronic stopping power for slow atoms with atomic number Z1 in solids has been studied. To include the effects of the short-range correction and exchange interaction of electrons in solids, the local-field correction dielectric function is used. Analytical expressions of atomic shellwise electron densities have been used. The screening effect of the conduction electrons in solids on the shellwise electron charge densities has also been considered. In this thesis, we have calculated the electronic stopping power for all atoms with in aluminum (Al), nickel (Ni), gold (Au), and silver (Ag) at velocities lower than Fermi velocity. The Z1-oscillation in stopping power is obtained. The results of our calculations are compared with other theoretical results and with experimental data. Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Theory 2.1 Charge Density of an Atom 2.1.1 The Statistical Treatment 2.1.2 Shellwise Analytical Expressions 2.2 Dielectric Function 2.3 Stopping Power Chapter 3 Results and Discussion Chapter 4 Conclusions References