Title: 在平行導電玻璃夾層中流體介電質之放電圖形研究
The Study of Dielectric Breakdown Pattern in Parallel Conducting Glass Cells Filled with Fluid Dielectric Materials
Authors: 許家榮
Chia-Rong Sheu
Ru-Pin Chao Pan
Keywords: Hele-Shaw 樣品;圖樣形成;活性行走模型;Hele-Shaw cell;pattern formation;active walker model
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 摘要
When a high dc voltage is applied to the Hele-Shaw cell † with specific-shaped electrodes, some interesting burnt tracks are generated and left behind permanently on the glass surfaces after violent dielectric breakdown (DB). These patterns of burnt tracks probably contain much information in physics, although they generally appear in a complicated form.
In this study we first try to identify the factors affecting the structure of DB patterns. We conclude that these factors include the materials of electrode, the thickness of conducting film, the shapes of electrode, the temperature of cell, and the dielectric materials etc. Although there are so many factors affecting on the global DB patterns, all patterns are almost composed of two basic typical structures. The first is the radial and symmetrical structure, which usually occurs at initial DB stage while applying with higher voltage. The second is the dense and winding structure, which usually appears while applying with lower voltage or at final stage when DB reaction is almost finished. We also find that the microscopic structures of DB patterns are obviously different between liquid and air cells. In rectangular patterned ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) cells the burnt tracks possess a unique feature, which hardly can be find in circular patterned ITO cells. This feature exhibits that the tracks developing towards the positive pole are more wiggling than those towards the negative pole.
Time-delay phenomenon mostly exists in 5CB cells discharging with fixed-voltage method. With cross-polarizers observation we find that the time-delay is not the cause of the time spent on the reorientation of liquid crystal molecules. In the beginning of DB reaction, a reorientational wave appears near the starting point and then propagates outward in radial. The linkages of electrode lead the branching tracks developing towards them. The sequential frames recorded with CCD camera show that the developing streaks of DB reaction propagate fast at initial stage and slow down when DB reaction almost finished.
With Active Walker Model (AWM) simulation three typical structures of DB patterns can be found and compared with experimental results. In global view, these three types represent dense winding, mixed of radial and winding, and pure radial structures, respectively. The fractal dimension analyses of generated patterns by simulation and experiment are done with two methods, mass dimension method and radius of gyration method, respectively. In addition, we will discuss the possible DB mechanisms by means of observation and comparison of DB patterns in our experiment.
† Note: Hele-Shaw cell: it was invented by an English engineer in 1898 for facilitating the study of the physical properties of flowing liquids. The cell is composed of two parallel plates separated by a narrow gap. (Ref: H. S. Hele-Shaw, Nature, 58, 34, 1898.)
Appears in Collections:Thesis