標題: 用 Zero-Block 演算法進行影像壓縮
Image Compression Using Zero-Block Algorithm
作者: 陳爾泰
Er-tai Chen
Wen-Thong Chang
關鍵字: 零區塊;影像壓縮;小波轉換;Zero-Block;image compression;wavelet transform;arithmetic code;SPIHT;EZW
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 在這篇論文,我們提出了一種Zero-Block的方法,把在相同頻帶內的許多零,用一個個的正方形區塊將他們框成零區塊的符號,當我們說這個方形區域為零區塊時就代表這個區塊範圍內的值均為零,以一個符號代表他們,就達到了壓縮的作用。我們對影像先做Wavelet轉換,之後再對每層位元平面做Zero-Block的壓縮。當然我們也介紹了其他的方法,並與我們的方法作比較。結果顯示我們的方法可以達到比目前熱門的的壓縮方式相近甚至超越的壓縮效果,而且不先作事先的圖片資料分析,也就是說運用在多數的圖片上都有不錯的壓縮效果。
We propose a zero-block coding method for image compression in this thesis. We encode many zeros in the same frequency band as zero-block if all coefficients in this block are zeros. Encoding many zeros as a zero-block symbol can achieve a compression effect. We make wavelet transform for each picture first, and then use zero-block algorithm on each bit-plane. We also introduce other compression methods and compare with them. The experiment result shows that our method has superior compression performance, and don’t have to do pre-process work.
Appears in Collections:Thesis