Title: 38.5GHz平面式歌西格蘭天線之研發
Development of 38.5GHz Planar Cassegrain Antenna
Authors: 吳敏銓
Wu Meen Chang
Chung S.J
Keywords: 平面式歌西格蘭天線;38.5GHz;Planar Cassegrain antenna;38.5GHz
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本論文研究38.5GHz平面反射式歌西格蘭(Cassegrain)天線,整體為雙層結構,面積約12×12cm2高度2.5cm。此天線分三部分討論:第一部分極化反射板,作法是在電路基板上蝕刻細金屬線,並且高密度分佈,作用是將與細金屬線水平方向電場反彈,而讓與細線垂直之電場通過。第二部分是反射天線陣列,採用微帶天線設計方式,採兩輸入式正交極化天線結構,所以構成天線為正方體,並且兩輸入端特性相似。第三部分為饋入天線,是將微波能量送入整個架構核心,所以天線場型與夾層高度關係到此反射式天線效能。
以上三部分之交互作用如下:首先饋入天線輻射出極化能量,此極化能量被極化反射板彈回後,被反射陣列吸收,並將原來極化方向轉向90度後再輻射,設計時可採用Rotman lens方式造成對焦效果,產生高增益之窄波束。此設計的優點,除前述之外,並且可以改善Rotman lens架構之縱深長度,可節省約2/3的縱深,節省體積成本,更可廣泛使用。
In the thesis,a 38.5GHz planar cassegrain antenna is developed.the planar cassegrain antenna consist with fed antenna、polarizer and twisting polarization reflectarray. Using the polarizer to reflect the power from fed antenna and then the power will fall in twisting polarization reflectarray. The reflectarray will change the polarization about 90 degree. Using the tunning stub to focus the every reflect element and then the power through the polarizer and low loss.
furture,may be we can achieve the beam scanning refer to Rotman lens structure or rotating by mechanical designed. This structure can popularly use in military or commercial communication.
final,the 38.5GHz planar cassegrain property: 3.4 degree beamwidth、22 dBi antenna gain 、main lob and side lob ratio is 15 dB and co-polarization and cross-polarization ratio is 10 dB.
Appears in Collections:Thesis