Title: 消費者之涉入程度、認知需求對購買決策之影響-以行動電話系統門號為例
The Effects of Product Involvement and Need for Cognition on the Buying Decision Process - the Case of the Mobile Telecommunication Market
Authors: 許凱榮
Kai-Jung Hsu
Pao-Long Chang
Keywords: 推敲可能性模式;產品涉入;認知需求;行動電話;ELM;Product Involvement;Need for Cognition;Mobile Phone
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 電信自由化的風潮使然,我國在1996年開放行動電話業務,經過這幾年來業者的激烈競爭,目前我國行動電話的普及率已超過50%,成長速度之快,居全球之冠,而且持有者的年齡層也逐年下降,原來掌握於賣方手中的市場主導權也轉到了買方手中,變成顧客選擇商品的時代。當廠商在對消費者進行行銷溝通時,必須考量到不同類型的消費者所注重的訊息也有所不同,針對消費者的個人因素與心理狀況提供適當的訊息,才能刺激消費者的購買意願,。 推敲可能性模式(ELM)為基礎,探討不同涉入程度及不同認知需求的消費者在購買行動電話系統門號時,中央線索抑或周邊線索對其影響較大。就本研究而言,中央線索包括了代表產品品質的技術設備、價格、營業項目及服務等,而周邊線索則包括了廣告、公共關係、銷售推廣及其他資訊來源等。希望藉由研究結果,提供業者在擬定行銷策略上的參考。 研究結果顯示: 1.中央線索及其各個構面對高涉入者的影響比對低涉入的影響較為顯著。而周邊線索的各個構面對高、低涉入者的影響則呈現紛岐狀況。廣告及其它資訊來源這兩個構面對低涉入者的影響比對高涉入者來得顯著,而銷售推廣及整體周邊線索對高、低涉入者的影響則無顯著差異。至於公共關係,則反而對高涉入者的影響較為顯著。 2.在認知需求上,研究顯示中央線索及各個構面對高認知需求者的影響都比對低認知需求者的影響來得顯著。至於周邊線索及其各個構面上,只有廣告對低認知需求者的影響較為顯著;公共關係,則反而對高認知需求者有較顯著的影響。 3.本研究亦顯示,不同涉入程度與不同認知需求者對中央線索的重視程度均達到顯著差異,但涉入程度與認知需求彼此間並無交互作用。另一方面,不同涉入程度與不同認知需求者對周邊線索的重視程度則皆未達到顯著差異,且涉入程度與認知需求彼此間也無交互作用產生。
Due to the impact of the liberalization of the telecommunication markets worldwide, the authority in Taiwan released the licenses of the mobile telecommunication system in 1996. After the intense competition in past years, the penetration of mobile phone number in Taiwan has been over 50%, and the average age of users has been continue dropping. When the mobile telecommunication system companies communicate with consumers, they have to realize that the different types of consumers pay attention to the different messages. To motivate the consumers to purchase their product, they have to provide the different types of consumers with suitable messages. The purpose of this thesis is apply ELM(Elaboration Likelihood Model) to the research of mobile telecommunication system consumers' behaviors. First of all, consumers are classified according to their involvement and their need for cognition. In this research the central cues include the technology of the companies, price, and services. In the other hand, the peripheral cues include the advertisements, public relations, sales promotion, and other information resources. Then we examine that whether the central cues are more effective under high involvement than under low involvement or not, and we do the similar exam on need for cogniton. The result will help the mobile telecommunication system companies to modify their market positioning and market strategies. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The central cues are more effective under high product involvement than under low product involvement. The advertisements and other information resources are more effective under low product involvement than under high product involvement, but the sales promotion and total peripheral cues produce no significant differences under high and low product involvement. 2.According to the result, the central cues are more effective under high need for cognition than under low need for cognition. For all peripheral cues, only the advertisements are more effective under low need for cognition than under high need for cognition. 3.The consumers with different involvement and different need for cognition have significant differences on their view of the central cues, but there is no interaction between involvement and need for cognition. On the other hand, the consumers with different involvement and different need for cognition have no significant difference on their view of the peripheral cues, and there is no interaction between involvement and need for cognition.
Appears in Collections:Thesis