標題: 我國網路券商顧客需求與行銷策略之研究
A Study on Customer Demand and Marketing Strategy for Internet Brokerages in Taiwan
作者: 陳雯婷
Wen-Ting Chen
Dr. York Y. Woo
關鍵字: 網路券商;顧客需求;行銷策略;internet brokerage;customer demand;marketing strategy
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 近年來網際網路及資訊科技的迅速發展,電子商務是全球一致的大趨勢,而其中網路交易更是公認最具潛力的發展。在網路券商技術層面的開發已日漸成熟之際,如何針對現有及潛在的顧客進行推廣及行銷便成為其目前所面臨的重要課題。本研究乃希望藉由證券商的顧客特性及需求分析來了解顧客對於網路證券交易的認知及期望,以提供網路券商作為採取有效行銷策略之參考。 本研究採網頁問卷調查方式,並回收網路證券交易使用者有效問卷1008份,由樣本結構得知網路交易族群在人口統計變數上同質性很高,主要以年輕、高學歷、居住在大台北地區、從事工商業、經濟能力中下的男性為主。由交易行為的結構來看,目前從事網路交易的絕大多數以小額投資人為主,中實戶客群有待開發。 本研究利用因素分析將網路證券交易顧客需求因素歸納為五個構面,並由實證分析得知,顧客在從事網路證券交易時覺得最重要的是交易正確安全可靠,其次是網路交易基本特性,包含交易的方便、隱密、自主性等。第三個重視的是內容多元功能彈性,其次是券商軟硬設備服務,最後是券商促銷優惠活動。 網路券商若想在競爭激烈的市場中獲勝,終需以顧客的需求為依歸,並針對目標客群制訂成功的行銷策略、提供富附加價值的服務。在產品策略的部分,交易的安全正確、網路的速度以及網站服務內容的多元豐富性是最重要的致力方向,在價格部分則不建議再一味以手續費折扣搶佔市場,在通路方面以異業結盟的方式與行動通訊廠商合作開發行動證券服務是未來可行的方向,而在溝通策略的部分現階段應著重電腦的推廣教育及客戶關係管理的運作。如此才能真正吸引並把握住客戶,在提供良好服務的同時亦為本身創造出更大的獲利空間。
The Internet and information technology has developed very quickly in these past few years, and electronic commerce has become a global trend. As the technology level matures, marketing becomes the most important issue for internet brokerages. Therefore, the purpose is to explore the characteristics and demands of on-line trading customers, and then provide effective marketing strategy recommendations for internet brokerages. The study is carried by an on-line questionnaire. From the sample structure, we know that the on-line trading population are predominately male, young, highly educated, living in Taipei, engaged in business, and middle class. Most of them have a small amount of investment. The study indicates that the on-line trading customer demands include five factors. The most important factor is safety and reliability, followed by basic characteristics of internet, content and function, facilities and service, and promotion activities. When creating marketing strategies, internet brokerages should do their best to meet their customer’s specific demands. When providing good services to attract and hold customers, brokerages are able to create more opportunities to profit.
Appears in Collections:Thesis