标题: 減壓閥之性能分析
A Study of Pressure-Reducing Valve Performance
作者: 林宗良
Tsung-Liang Lin
Wu-Shung Fu
关键字: 減壓閥;閥;Pressure-Reducing;Valve
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 減壓閥為高壓空氣管路中,常可見到的重要機構。為維持下游管路的流體壓力為定值,其機構不同於其他閥件的設計。過去鮮有從事減壓閥特性的相關研究。本研究,提供一個簡易的方法,以量測所得的壓力、溫度資料,配合相關的統御方程式,可以計算得到,經過減壓閥所流出的空氣質量流量。利用此流量和減壓閥的二次側壓力與壓力降的數據,可以得到減壓閥的無因次壓差比(曲線的建立方法,可以檢測減壓閥,相信使用者會相當方便。
Pressure-reducing valve is an important device and employed broadly in high-pressure pipe systems. For the purpose, to keep downstream pipe system in the same pressure, pressure-reducing valve have special structure different from other valves. The phenomena of gas discharge from a high-pressure reservoir by a pressure-reducing valve are at transient state. The phenomena are hardly investigated by numerical or experimental methods. A method combined both experimental and numerical method is used in this study. By using this method, the mass flow rate of this system, which contain both a high-pressure reservoir and a pressure-reducing valve, can be calculated. As a result, the valve flow characteristics ( relation) can be obtained efficiently.