Title: PPI 雷達控制器
PPI Display Radar Controller
Authors: 戴先齊
Xian-Chi Dai
Wei-Hua Chieng
Keywords: 雷達;MIL-STD-1553 匯流排;PPI 顯示;GPS;radar;MIL-STD-1553 bus;PPI display;GPS;PC-Based controller
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本論文主要是想發展以個人電腦為基礎的雷達控制器和雷達燒錄驗證器。雷達控制器的目的是想取代體積過大、維護不易的雷達控制系統,而雷達燒錄驗證器則是利用個人電腦來更新雷達內部軟體。該控制器是藉著MIL-STD-1553匯流排介面卡來跟雷達做溝通且記錄所有跟雷達溝通的資料來做日後的除錯工作。PPI(Plan Position Indicator)顯示是一個常見的顯示方式,常被使用在空中運輸控制及海軍雷達上,以一個被雷達所掃瞄到區域的鳥瞰圖顯示。此系統的硬體架構包含兩部個人電腦、2片MIL-STD-1553 匯流排介面卡、搖桿和一個小型GPS接收器。在軟體架構方面,則是使用WINPC軟體結合MIL-STD-1553匯流排介面卡所提供的C語言函式來控制雷達系統。這個雷達控制器提供一個良好的人機介面,使用者可以藉由人機介面改變雷達的參數及動作。此外我們也傾聽BUS所有的訊息並收集隨後而來的資料。GPS接收器提供目前的經緯度以讓使用者知道目前的位置,以供未來移動式雷達可做定位甚至定向之用。本篇論文的目的是藉由MIL-STD-1553匯流排介面卡和個人電腦來發展PC-Based雷達控制器和雷達軟體燒錄驗證器。
In this thesis, we would like to develop the PC-Based radar controller and the radar software memory loader and verifier. The purpose of the radar controller is to replace the huge and hard-to-maintain radar control system. The Radar Software Memory Loader and Verifier can update the radar software with utilizing the PC. The radar controller communicates with radar by MIL-STD-1553 bus interface card and keeps a record of all data communicated with radar to use for later debug. A common form of display, used with many air-traffic-control and marine radars, is the plan position indicator (PPI). This gives a "bird's eye view" of the area covered by the radar. The system hardware architecture includes two PCs, two MIL-STD-1553 Bus interface cards, a joystick, and a small GPS receiver. The software architecture uses WINPC system which links with the C language function library provided from MIL-STD-1553 Bus interface card driver to control the radar. The radar controller provides a fine human machine interface. The user can alter the radar parameters and movement by the human machine interface. We also listen to all message, and subsequently collects data, from the data bus. The GPS receiver can provide the latitude and longitude of radar to let user know where is it for the future moving radar position tracking. The purpose of this thesis is to develop the PC-Based radar controller and radar software loader and verifier with utilizing the MIL-STD-1553 Bus interface card and PC.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文