Title: 網際空間的空間現象
Spatial Phenomena in Cyberspace
Authors: 鄭凱丰
Cheng Kai-Feng
Liu Yu-Tong
Keywords: 網際空間;文字;空間現象;存在感;方位感;空間狀態;cyberspace;text;spatial phenomena;sense of existence;sense of direction;spatial condition
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 90年代,由於網際網路的盛行,人類在日常生活中開始發生一些改變,而在空間設計領域中則是出現了一種與傳統空間不同的新空間形式-透過電子地址成型的網際空間(cyberspace) (Cicognani,1998;Wertheim,1999);對空間設計者而言,我們眼前最重要的工作應該是試圖想像與創作出各種數位環境,以配合我們未來想擁有的生活與社會(Mather,1997;Mitchell,1998),但是關於網際空間的定義,至今尚未釐清(Cicognani,1998),因此無論是設計者或是使用者都無法說清楚網際空間究竟是如何構成的。 與實體空間比較起來,網際空間有三大特性:以文字為基礎 (Cicognani 1996;1997;1998)、具有重要的社會意義(Wertheim,1999)以及網際空間中獨特的身體存在感(Heeter,1992),因此本研究將以文字媒材為基礎,並經由網際空間中參與者交互作用的過程,探討存在於網際空間內部的空間本質,希望經過此一研究過程,提出部分現今存在於網際空間中的現象,這些現象將可以幫助設計者做出適合居住(inhabit)的空間(Donath,1997),並提供各領域的學者們更多關於網際空間的思考方向。 在方法與步驟上,本研究首先在文獻探討中提出傳統空間之分類方式以及各種空間的特徵,一方面可以探討網際空間的特性,另一方面則回顧了網際空間與實體空間的相關性,接下來,作者將對網際空間進行一些觀察,提出一些初步的空間現象,並透過一個認知實驗的過程,要求不同專業背景的受測者對網際空間的文字資料進行編碼,最後則由作者針對上述的編碼資料進一步分析,最後提出以下結論: 1.網際空間中具有三種主要的空間現象:空間中個人的存在感、人體認知的方向感以及參與者認知到空間狀態的改變。 2.空間的存在感來自於參與者他人與自我情緒的表達、空間中可自由發展的行為、可碰觸到他人肢體的行為、對他人身分的辨識以及一些可與他人分享或是視覺可見的物件。 3.空間中的方向感是由於個人在表達情緒的過程中建立的面對面的空間感、作動作時產生的相對位置以及以物件定義的絕對空間方位。 4.網際空間的狀態會隨著不同參與者與不同的時間而發生變化,參與者會察覺空間逐漸改變,而作出進一步的回應,使空間再度發生變化,因此空間將經過一再的循環修正,達成一種平衡的狀態。 另外,參與者認知上述空間現象的過程,是以”看”到空間中的文字,代替其他在實體空間中的知覺器官,而由於網際空間中具有關於實體空間的隱喻,使得這些文字將成為線索,傳達一些空間信息,並連結至參與者原有的實體空間經驗,作為採取進一步回應行為的依據。 基於本論文的文獻探討、初步觀察及實驗程序,我們發現了網際空間的一些空間現象,但是這些現象只提供了部分的可能性,他們並不是完全的,而且是可以再被增加,因此未來可以在認知實驗的過程中更廣泛且大量的收集不同種類的各種空間資料與擴大受測者的族群,使我們能夠針對網際空間,發現更深入、更豐富的各種空間現象。
A new form of space-cyberspace -through electronic address emerging recently because of the arising of internet (Cicognani,1998; Wertheim,1999). The most important task we have to perform imminently is imaging and creating varied digital environments in order to conjunct with our new life and society ( Mather,1997; Mitchell,1998). But the definition of cyberspace is not clear (Cicognani,1998) . So designers and users can’t understand how to constitute cyberspace. We can find three properties in cyberspace when comparing it with physical space:language-based(Cicognani, 1996;1997;1998), with important social meanings (Wertheim,1999) and in special sense of body(Heeter,1992). Therefore I try to explore some natures of cyberspace based on the media of text and interactions between participants. Furthermore I wish to bring up some spatial phenomena existing in cyberspace. Designers will create an inhabit space(Donath,1997) and researchers will inspire some new studies about cyberspace by putting these spatial phenomena in use . In this research, first I introduced the types and features of space by some literature. Then I explored the characteristics of cyberspace with the growth of internet and reviewed relations between cyberspace and physical space about the behaviors and the media of design. Next, I observed cyberspace and brought up some elementary spatial phenomena. Then I made an experiment in next step. In this experiment, I asked subjects with different background to code the data of cyberspace. Finally, I analyzed the coding data of text and found below conclusions: 1.there are three spatial phenomena occurring in cyberspace:the sense of existence, the sense of direction and the cognition about spatial condition. 2.the sense of existence is perceived from expressions of motion, free behaviors, behaviors to touch others, identifications, objects being shared or seen. 3.the sense of direction is felt by the perceptions of face-to-face, relative positions and absolute relationships between objects. 4.the spatial condition is changed because of different participants and times. A participant perceives the change and applies some actions to this cyberspace then this space will be changed again. So the spatial condition moves in a circle until it balances. Otherwise the process of participants to recognize cyberspace is "seeing" texts that transform spatial information then connecting these texts with their experiences in physical space. This state is resulted from that cyberspace is a metaphor of physical space. Based on the procedure of observation and experiment in this paper, I find some spatial phenomena. But these kinds of phenomena just provide part of the possibilities and not being exhaustive. Therefore the further study is that researchers can collect more data and look for more subjects. Then we will find some deep and extensive spatial phenomena.
Appears in Collections:Thesis