Title: 案例式推理應用於營建工程爭議調解之研究
Application of Case-Based Reasoning in Resolving Construction Disputes
Authors: 董其鈞
Chin-Chun Tung
Ren-Jye Dzeng
Keywords: 案例式推理;爭議調解;表達架構;Case-Based Reasoning;Construction Disputes;Representation Frameworks
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 有鑑於爭議處理之過程中,由於雙方當事人沒有系統性的參考類似案例之處理過程,僅憑各自經驗臆測對方可能之回應及爭議處理者可能之判斷,以致於無法瞭解所持論點的缺陷,而降低爭議處理之成效。且爭議處理者為維持判斷之一致性,亦需要參考類似案例之判斷過程,然而卻由於案例數量龐大以及內容複雜,致使爭議處理者無法有效率的參考案例內容,而使判斷結果出現不客觀之情形。 本研究就營建工程於施工履約階段,針對業主與承包商以調解處理爭議之過程,運用案例式推理之概念發展一套決策支援系統。藉由系統推理之結果,可提供雙方當事人回應時之參考策略,以及爭議處理者判斷時之初步方向。藉由相似度比對之搜尋方式,系統可協助使用者更有效率的參考適當之類似案例,以獲得重要之決策資訊。 此外,本研究亦提出爭議案例之「諮詢描述架構」及「推理描述架構」,前者協助使用者迅速的瞭解案例重要資訊,後者為系統進行案例比對之根據。並建立可供電腦使用之營建工程爭議處理案例庫,供需要瞭解爭議案例者參考。
In the process of resolving construction disputes, the applying and opposing parties usually presume the other’s responses and the mediators’ judgements by their former experiences without referring to previous similar cases systematically. This results in an inefficient resolution process. Due to the complexity involved in the disputes and a large volume of existing cases, it is difficult for the mediators to review the previous similar cases and make consistent judgements. This research applies the case-based reasoning to develop a decision support system. It will provide the two parties useful strategies to react and give the mediators initial directions to follow by referring to previous similar cases. Moreover, this research also develops two representation frameworks for dispute cases. One allows the user to efficiently grasp the key issues in a dispute and the other allows an application of case-based reasoning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis