標題: GPS衛星測量接收儀定位精度驗證之研究
A study on the evaluation of the GPS receivers' positioning precision
作者: 汪俊寰
Chun-Huan, Wang
Dr. Chun-Sung Chen
關鍵字: 全球定位系統;Global Position System
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 全球定位系統(Global Position System)定位技術快速方便且精度不斷提昇,近十年來已廣泛地應用於各種不同的領域中,然而接收儀準確度是否符合原規格標準,以及隨著使用時間和頻率增加,其定位精度是否仍在要求的觀測範圍之內,這些問題則需要有一個有效且高精度之GPS衛星測量接收儀精度檢校方法。在國外目前只有Allen Osborne Associates Inc.(簡稱AOA)曾於西元1999進行過此項研究,他們是以中距離基線檢定場施測GPS測量來進行研究分析,並訂定出一套完整的檢校制度;在國內目前則尚未進行過此項研究。本研究擬應用一個超短距離和一個中距離基線檢定場來進行GPS衛星測量接收儀之觀測分析,以比較各常用廠牌接收儀之定位精度,以及評估本研究所使用方法之適用性。
In the recent ten years, GPS surveying is applied intensively in many fields for its high precision and convenience. However,the accuracy of the GPS receiver is as good as announced by the instrument manual, and the accuracy of the observation data is satisfied with the specifications after the receivers are applied for years are deserved to investifate and required. A evaluating method is executed by Allen Osborne Associates Inc. (AOA) in 1999.In the method, GPS surveying is executed in a middle baseline field, and the GPS data is analysis.At last, a checking system is set up. In this project, GPS surveying is executed respectively in a super short baseline field and a middle baseline field. The precision of the differenttrademark receivers are estimated.