Title: 核能電廠核能安全文化態度量表之開發
Developing safety culture attitudinal scale for nuclear power plants
Authors: 徐長生
Chang-Sheng Hsu
Shang-Hwa Hsu
Keywords: 安全文化;安全管理系統;safety culture;safety management system
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 安全文化為組織文化的一環,組織之安全管理系統之建立端賴安全文化之量測、診斷、分析及回饋、藉此循環過程,使組織得以暸解現況,針對現況採取因應的改善方法 (reactive measures),同時制定前瞻性的計劃 (proactive strategy) 設定中、長程目標、提昇安全文化。
本研究之目的在於建構一安全文化量測工具,透過各核電廠的訪談,以暸解安全文化議題,同時依據國際原子能總署之 ASCOT Guideline為參考依據,使內容得以廣泛涵括核電廠之安全議題,量表中議題包含下列十項,分別為:安全覺知、安全優先、權責明確、溝通、安全績效評估及事件處理、領導與現場監督、訓練、獎勵與懲罰、遵守程序書及工具箱會議、硬體設備。
量表題目係以安全文化議題,同時參酌美國EG&G Idaho發展之安全文化量表,依各議題之概念加以制定,經臺電核電部門代表審核,確保專業用詞的正確,及進行信、效度檢驗,將量表制定完成。
This paper locates the developing safety culture attitudinal scale within its parent concept of safety management systems. It is a closed-loop process to establish safety culture. safety culture attitudinal scale could evaluate safety performance of safety culture. Reactive measures point out the weakness within the safety culture, and provide improvable methods. Proactive strategies attempt to setup the goal for improving safety culture.
The purpose of this study is to develop valid tool for safety culture. According to the results of focus groups and IAEA ASCOT guideline, all issues separate into ten safety categories. Ten safety categories are “safety awareness”, “safety priority”, “definition of responsibility”, “communication”, “safety performance”, “leadership and supervision ”, “training”, “reward and punishment systems”, “compliance of procedures and safety practices” and “facilities”.
According to the ten safety categories and EG&G Idaho Safety Norm Survey, safety culture attitudinal scale is developed. All professional terms are verified by Taipower nuclear experts. The results provide reliability and validity to safety culture attitudinal scale.
Appears in Collections:Thesis