標題: 震災道路系統評估指標之建立
The establishment of Evaluation Indicators for Seismic road system
作者: 黃亦琇
I-Hsiu Huang
Cheng-Min Feng
Jen-Jia Lin
關鍵字: 評估指標;地震災害;道路系統;ealuation idicators;earthquake disaster;road system
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 地震對於人們的威脅在於發生突然,很難事先做好預防工作,而且其破壞往往是難以預測且瞬間即造成,尤其是大地震的破壞更是慘重。在民國88年921集集大地震對台灣地區造成嚴重的傷亡,而政府花費了許多時間與金錢仍無法完全彌補地震所造成的破壞,因此更值得我們去重視地震的發生以及如何去因應地震可能帶來的傷害。 在地震發生之後,為配合救災工作的執行,救災方面的交通需求在瞬間急遽增加,然而交通運輸系統由於受到地震侵襲,造成全面性的破壞,使得災區部分道路一度中斷,影響後續整個救援行動之效率,也使得災情更加慘重。因此我們發現:災後的應變、處置、復原以及事先預防災害的發生同等重要,尤其台灣處於地震帶上,對於預防地震災害的發生及震災發生後的應變處理更需重視。 本研究將地震發生時期分為四個階段,分別為:災前、搶救、維生、復舊,整理各個階段所必須完成的工作任務,更進一步探討為配合工作任務的完成,所必須掌握的相關資訊,根據這些資訊需求及其間之相互關係來構建一套適用於國內且符合各項防災、救災與復原工作所需之道路系統評估指標,除了可評估災後的損害情形之外,也可對於災後的救災工作進行評估。同時,本研究也提出一套配合評估指標所需的資訊收集方法,以改善目前資料普遍嚴重不足的缺失,並期望未來在資料收集方面有所助益。最後,則針對921集集大地震災區進行實例分析,除檢證評估指標之實用性外,並就分析結果對當地防救災工作提出建議。
The threats of earthquakes for people are the sudden occurrence, and hard to do the preparations in advance; besides, the destruction is always difficult to estimate and is made all of a sudden, especially big earthquakes. In 1999, Chi-Chi earthquake did a harmful damage to Taiwan; our government spent lots of time and money trying to recover but still inefficiency. Therefore, it makes us to emphasize the occurrence of earthquakes and to prevent the possible harm which is brought by earthquakes. After the earthquake’s coming, in order to proceed with the rescue, the demand for traffic will increase sharply in a very short time. But the transportation system was totally destructed because of the earthquake, part of the disaster area’s roads were interrupted. It affected the whole rescue’s efficiency, and made the disaster more serious. Therefore, we realize that the response, arrangement, recovery after the earthquake are as important as the prevention before the earthquake. First of all, we divided the period of the earthquake into four steps: beforehand, rescue, maintenance, and recovery, and then discussed the necessary jobs and relative information in the four steps. Based on those needed information, we constructed the evaluation indicators for road system. After the construction of the evaluation indicators, we can adapt those evaluation indicators to our country and coincide with the demand of prevention, rescue and recovery. Besides evaluating the harm brought by the earthquake, the system can evaluate the performance of the rescue. This research also provides some useful methods to collect information to construct the evaluation system. The goal is to improve the problem of the lack of information to do further research, and make some contribution for the future. Finally, the case study on Chi-Chi earthquake disaster area is proceeded to put the evaluation system into practice. The results of the case study not only verify the application feasibility of the developed evaluation indicators, but also provide some recommendations for the recovery tasks in the disaster area.