Title: 震災時都市道路系統運輸功能評估與防災路網之研擬
Evaluating on Transportation Functions of Urban Road System and Proposing Disaster-Prevention Road Network System after Earthquake Disaster
Authors: 侯鵬曦
Hou, Peng-Hsi
Xu, Yuan-Jing
Keywords: 震災;運輸功能評估;防災路網;避難道路系統;救援道路系統;物資輸送道路系統;地理資訊系統;Earthquake Disaster;Evaluation of Transportation Functions;Disaster-Prevention Road Network System;Evacuation Road System;Rescue Road System;Logistic Road System;GIS
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 道路的運輸功能在防災體系之中具有舉足輕重的地位,震災時的各項活動中都需倚賴道路系統來完成,因而根據道路之運輸功能以建立防災路網的機制,已成為運輸規劃者迫切之工作。 本研究嘗試釐清震災時市區道路之運輸功能特性,以作為未來防災道路系統規劃之原則。在本研究的內容中,第一部分定義震災時需求與供給,涵蓋人口、資源設施之數量與區位;第二部份構建出都市道路系統防災性之標的架構,以快捷、服務人口、穩定性三目標做為主軸;第三部分以時間成本為概念,建立路段行車行駛速率與道路斷面幾何設計之關係;第四部分以避難、救援(消防、醫療觀點)、物資輸送三個面向,來探討避難道路系統、救援道路系統、物資輸送道路系統之雛形;第五部份以java程式語言建構路網矩陣,提出替代路網、關鍵路段等觀念;第六部份應用地理資訊系統,使用ESRI公司之ArcView地理資訊系統軟體套件進行路網分析,以進行高雄市苓雅區之案例。 本研究最後說明操作過程、分析方法與結果呈現,提供苓雅區之防災路網初步規劃之建議。
Because of depending on road network system that can all missions be accomplished after earthquake disaster, transportation functions of road network system play a decisive role in disaster-prevention system. It has become imperious for transportation planners to build up the planning mechanism of disaster-prevention road network system according to these functions. This research tried to figure out the transportation functions of urban road network system after earthquake disaster in order to set up principles of the planning of disaster-prevention road network system in the future. In the first part of the research, the author defined demands and supplies, including the quantity and locations of population and facilities, after earthquake disaster. The second part defines demands and supplies, including the quantity and locations of population and facilities, after earthquake disaster. The third part established the relationship between road width and driving speed. The fourth part discussed embryos of evacuation road system, rescue road system, logistic road system with these tree dimensions. The fifth part used java programming language to construct network matrix, and brought up ideas of substitute network, key link, etc. The sixth part applied Geographic Information System concept and used the network analysis function of ArcView 3.1 software, which was produced by ESRI Company, in the case of Ling-Ya district of Kaohsiung city. At last, the author described how the research proceeded, which analysis method was used, what the final result was, and suggested the primary planning of disaster-prevention road network system for Ling-Ya district.
Appears in Collections:Thesis