Title: 台北市信義計畫區大眾運輸路線規劃之研究
A Study on the Planning of Mass Transport Routes of the Shing-Yi District in Taipei
Authors: 吳秀玲
Yuan-Ching Hsu
Keywords: 大眾運輸路線;Mass Transport Routes
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 台北市信義計畫區為多功能使用之商業區,為因應此一多功能使用之活動特性,避免大量之交通需求造成地區發展的瓶頸,唯有鼓勵使用大眾運輸系統方能解決。然發展大眾運輸系統之首要條件為提供完善之大眾運輸路線服務,本研究首先探討目前信義計畫區大眾運輸路線服務現況,依其現況特性規劃開發完成後之大眾運輸路線。 本研究範圍信義計畫區南北二側均有捷運路線服務,在大眾運輸發展定位上為以捷運為主軸,公車則輔以捷運路線為接駁功能。本研究依其活動目的將其公車路線規劃為商務區及住宅區路線,考慮捷運、公車系統之接駁功能提升,結合「Arc View Network Analysis」套裝軟體最短路徑功能之應用,求得最短路徑,以為規劃路線。規劃路線之評估,以總旅行時間為評估指標,納入需求量及步行懲罰時間因子,藉以了解各規劃方案在總旅行時間之差異。最後提出結論與建議。
Since the Shing-Yi District in Taipei City is designed as a multi-functional business district, the transport policy for this district has been made to encourage the development of mass transport services in order to prevent local traffic bottlenecks due to high intensity transport demands. Hence, a thorough study to the planning of mass transport routes in this district is essential to the success of the development of mass transport system. The objective of this research is to investigate the current situation of mass transport services in Shing-Yi District and propose a plan for the future development of mass transport routes according to the ultimate urban development plan for this district. The Shing-Yi District is serviced by two major Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) routes in the north and in the south of the district. The development policy of the mass transport system is to utilize MRT routes which are connected with local shuttle bus services for the district. The future routes for mass transport services are designed according to the planned functions of individual areas in the district, together with the consideration of the integration of bus services and MRT routes. The planning of transport routes in this research is implemented by employing an urban planning software, Arc View Network Analysis. The proposed shortest routes are evaluated by the performance indicator of the total travel time on a route as well as by the consideration of traffic demands on the route and walking distance penalty factors. Conclusions and recommendations in this research are drawn as well.
Appears in Collections:Thesis