標題: 供應鏈之多目標產銷模式:以自行車製造廠商為例
Multi-objective Model for Production-Distribution of Supply Chain: Case of The Bicycle Manufacturer
作者: 洪瑜敏
Yu-Min Hung
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 供應鏈;生產;配銷;多目標規劃;自行車製造業;supply chain;production;distribution;multi-objective programming;bicycle industry
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 近年來由於網路通信的進步,使得ERP系統由單一工廠演進為藉由網路整合上、中、下游的大型整合系統。這種系統包含了原料採購、生產、運輸、倉儲、銷售等功能並將供應商、製造商、批發商、零售商及顧客更緊密的結合在一起,然而基於全球化的趨勢及資訊科技的應用,業者應提高供應鏈實體流與資訊流之速率才是產業成功的關鍵;故企業活動應採最低之生產與營運成本,獲得企業最大利潤並使顧客獲得最大滿意之服務水準。 自行車工業是台灣較具競爭力的產業之一,具有完整的供應鏈體系,為世界主要的製造與供應中心。近年來部份國內業者除繼續從事代工業務外,也發展自有品牌,並建立海外市場行銷通路、設立海外工廠,採取國際分工方式,提昇競爭優勢,然而跨國生產與配銷活動所需面臨的是強化全球生產與運疇管理的能力,達成及時生產與提供顧客高品質的服務目標,進而累積國產品在國際市場的競爭力。 本研究將以台灣自行車製造商的生產與配送現況來構建產銷模式。此模式同時考慮利潤與顧客服務水準兩大目標,並且採多目標規劃生產與配送的活動並加以整合。以台灣自行車製造廠商作為模式的實例驗證,在求解過程中,本研究採用五種多目標之規則方法含:多目標妥協規劃法、模糊多目標規劃法、加權多目標規劃法、加權模糊多目標規劃法與兩階段多目標規劃法,分別針對此模式的問題進行求解,並比較分析5個研究方法求解之結果。 最後以加權多目標規劃法進行敏感度分析,結果顯示製造成本、倉儲成本與缺貨成本增加,結果顯示總利潤的變化也會不同;製造成本增加會使總利潤降低,且效果顯著,但倉儲成本增加雖卻能提高總利潤但影響不大,缺貨成本則對於總利潤幾乎無影響;反而倉儲成本的提高反而會降低缺貨成本。
The bicycle industry is one of the competitive industries in Taiwan and there exists a complete supply chain system for this industry. Recently, some manufacturers do pay attention to both OEM and original brand manufacturing to sale their product in the world. Moreover, they build factories in many countries to improve their competitive advantage and to expand their marking channel. In order to do the international business, it is necessary for them to improve the capacity of global production and distribution management and, also they have to product in time and provide customer high quality service. According to the production and distribution of bicycle manufacturers, a practical model is built in this research. At the same time, the objective of the model is that it can provide both the business profit and customer service level. In addition, an integrated multi-objective model is developed for producing and distributing performance. The well known methods including the compromise solution, the fuzzy multi-objective solution, the weighted multi-objective solution, the weighted fuzzy multi-objective solution and the two-phase multi-objective solution, are used in this research. Significantly, they can provide comprehensible solutions which can be furthermore analyzed. Finally, using the weighted multi-objective programming method to do the sensitive analysis. The result shows that raising the production cost, the inventory cost and the lost cost might change the gross profit. If the production cost increases, the profit might decrease; but if the inventory cost increase, the profit might increase. As to the lost cost, it will not make any influence on the profit.