標題: 臺北巿拖吊保管場服務範圍之研究
The Research on the Service Range of Towing Storage Squares in Taipei
作者: 許秀惠
Hsiu-Hui Hsu
Yuan-Ching Hsu
關鍵字: 服務範圍;拖吊保管場
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 目前台北巿政府以執行取締違規車輛所需拖吊車輛數做為甄選民間拖吊保管場之依據,其區位分佈又因巿中心的土地取得困難,大多分佈於郊區,因此可能造成拖吊場過於集中,拖吊責任區無法同時兼顧拖吊場所在位置及拖吊業之執行能量,或者越區就近拖吊的現象,違規超速行駛易發生車損案件,徒增拖吊業者與車主之糾紛。而拖吊範圍之規劃又常常僅憑決策者的經驗運作或為拖吊業者協商的結果,以致整體服務範圍之規劃在缺乏科學方法與理論基礎下,不僅違規車輛未能立即排除,影響車流之順暢,損及政府公權力之行使,同時造成拖吊保管場經營的效率與服務水準的低落。 鑑於目前拖吊保管場之服務範圍,尚無一套合理的分析方法及參考基準,本研究乃基於政府的拖吊政策、拖吊業者的執行能量,同時考量業者的拖吊利潤等項,分別以拖吊車輛數(Q)、拖吊行駛速率(V)、出車率(J)、單位面積違規應拖吊車輛數(E)及可拖吊車輛數與應拖吊車輛數之比例(K1)等變數構建拖吊保管場服務範圍模式。由模式並可反映拖吊車的行駛里程,拖吊範圍越大,所耗成本越高,在成本加成的利潤基礎下,給予業者合理利潤之拖吊費率,可解決過去業者極力爭取位於巿中心的責任區,造成較少業者願意負責郊區的問題,並可為後續以拖吊時間計算費率之基礎。
To select the private towing storage square in Taipei City Government in the present is in accordance with the amount of execution of towing illegal vehicles. The storage locations, owing to the difficulty in land acquirement in CBD, often distributed in the rural. The above condition caused the phenomenon, such as the storage squares gathered together, the towing responsible areas can’t satisfy with the towing locations and towing capacity at the same time, towing in the neighborhood that cross the boundary, car damages derived from illegal driving above the speed limit, that will increase the disputes between the towing operators and car owners. Besides, because of the planning of towing range often depends on the experience of decision-makers and the results from negotiation, so that the illegal vehicles can’t be towed away immediately, affecting the smooth of traffic flow, the execution of the privilege of citizenship, will bring about the downgrade of operation efficiency and level of service of towing storage squares under lack of scientific methods and theory basis. In view of the service of towing storage squares at present still have no reasonable analysis method and reference basis. Based on the towing policy of the government, the execution capacity of towing operators, and the operators’ towing profit, and etc. in this study. We structured the model of service range of towing storage squares, the variables consisted of the amount of towing vehicles (Q), driving speed of wreckers (V), the frequency rate of wreckers(J) , illegal towing vehicles of a unit area(E), the ratio of the ability of towing vehicles and vehicles should be towed(K1) individually. This model reflects that the longer the driving miles of towing cars and towing range, the more cost it will exhaust. To provide a reasonable fare for the towing operators on the profit basis of cost plus multiplier will resolve the problems that the operators make efforts to strive for the responsibility areas in the past, less operators have intentions to responsible for the rural areas, and will become the basis of fares counted by towing time in the follow-up research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis