标题: 结合光辅助湿式蚀刻和诱发耦合电浆蚀刻应用于氮化镓之研究
Hybrid Photo-enhanced Wet Etch and Inductively Coupled Plasma Etch on GaN
作者: 黄稳骏
Wen. Jun. Huang
Dr. M. S. Feng
Dr. Edward Y. Chang
关键字: 氮化镓;光辅助湿式蚀刻;诱发耦合电浆蚀刻;GaN;Photo-enhanced Wet Etch;Inductively Coupled Plasma Etch
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 此论文探讨在经过光辅助湿式蚀刻(PEC)结合诱发耦合电浆蚀刻(ICP)后的AlGaN 和GaN的萧基特性。所使用的氮化镓晶体是以低压有机金属化学气相磊晶法成长在Al2O3基板上。光辅助湿式蚀刻使用KOH蚀刻液并予以100mW/cm2 的汞灯照光,ICP的反应气体则是Cl2和N2。萧基金属使用Ni/Au (100nm/100nm) 而欧姆金属则使用Al (100nm)。
在600W ICP 蚀刻300秒后,氮化镓萧基的理想因子(n)为1.57,能障高为0.65eV,崩溃电压为0.75V。然而在ICP 蚀刻后再加上光辅助湿式蚀刻30分钟,可以得到萧基理想因子降为1.11,能障高升高到0.78eV,且崩溃电压升高为3.8V。此电性的改善可解释为湿式蚀刻移除了ICP蚀刻造成的损坏结构。
GaN and AlGaN Schottky contact characteristics after hybrid photo-enhanced wet etch and Inductively coupled plasma etch (ICP) is studied. KOH solution and 100mW/cm2 UV illumination by Hg arc lamp was used for photo-enhanced wet etch. Gas mixture of Cl2 and N2 was used for ICP etch. The Schottky metal used in this study is Ni/Au (100nm/100nm) and the Ohmic metal used is Al (100nm).
Typical etch rates are 0.64 nm/min and 300nm/min with a roughness of 0.32nm and 1.70nm for wet and dry etch respectively. The ICP process etches more rapidly but the etched surfaces are rougher when compared to the wet-etch process.
After ICP etch at 600 watt for 300sec, the GaN schottky diode has an ideality factor n=1.57 and the barrier height fB=0.65 eV, and breakdown voltage VB=0.75V. However, for the ICP etched sample followed by photo-enhanced wet chemical etch for 30mins, the sample has an ideality factor n=1.11, and the barrier height fB=0.78 eV, and the breakdown voltage VB is recovered to 3.8V. The study indicates that the wet chemical etch can remove the damage caused by ICP etch. Overall, the hybrid dry/wet etch process is a high etch rate process and cause very low damage on the etched surface.