Title: 含氮環之氫鍵側鏈型液晶高分子之研究
Study on Hydrogen-Bonded Side-Chain Polymers Containing Pyridine Moieties
Authors: 喻義
Yi Yu
Keywords: 液晶;liquid crystal
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 近年來使用氫鍵以產生新穎的液晶材料,及超級複合分子液晶已迅速蓬勃發展。超級複合分子液晶乃經由不同分子間產生非共價鍵結,例如氫鍵,所形成的分子錯合物。其液晶性質可輕易地由混合不同的質子予體和質子受體來調整,且新的液晶性質可經由混合分子結構而獲得。由於超級複合分子結構的調整及修飾極為簡單,氫鍵液晶材料具有潛力應用在未來的顯示器及光電元件上。本文主要就是針對側鏈型氫鍵液晶之合成及物性做一研討。 在實驗中先將含有pyridine環(stilbazole)之起始物接上spacer段,然後再接壓克力基而完成側鏈型液晶單體,最後再將此液晶單體聚合成side-chain polymer之型式,與含有benzoic acid之單體及polymer形成氫鍵鍵結,對於以單體對單體,單體對polymer及polymer對polymer三種氫鍵鍵結型式之相轉移溫度做性質上的比較,另外針對stilbazole在氮原子方位(對位及間位)和碳數長短(C6及C10)的改變而對液晶性質之影響作個別的探討,最後再經由DSC及Powder XRD來驗證之。
ABSTRACT The using of hydrogen bond to build supramolecular complexes for novel liquid crystalline materials have been widely developed recently. The complexes are built by two different constituents, one as the proton donor and the other as the proton acceptor. The ease of tuning supramolecular structures made the materials to be a potential candidate for the use in the optoelectronic devices. This research is mainly to investigate the synthesis and characterization of H-bonded side-chain liquid crystalline polymers. Benzoic acid and stilbazole units were connected to the spacer, and then they were attached to the polymerizable group (i.e. acryloyl). The monomer/monomer, polymer/monomer, polymer/polymer complexes were studied; hence, the influence of the polymer backbone can be clearly studied. Moreover, the influence of angular bending and spacer length on physical properties are also studied and all are characterized by DSC and Powder XRD.
Appears in Collections:Thesis