Title: 以UML建構之自動化塗佈系統
An automatic coating machine by UML
Authors: 陳啟賓
Yu-Chung Huang
Keywords: 系統分析設計;對位;塗膠;影像處理;system analysis and design;alignment;coating;image processing
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本文目標主要是實現一能解決複雜性與多變性的系統分析設計流程,整合即時影像顯示、運動控制及精密塗佈技術的一多工自動化塗佈系統。完成以視覺化模型的方式,發展一套模擬平台設計流程方法,透過同步性的模擬,使系統容易了解、除錯與維護,同時輔助自動化系統軟體設計作業,增加系統可重複使用度。經由圖形化使用者界面動態的驅動模型進行測試,以嚴謹分析系統真實運作情形,保證此整合系統的可靠度。由於目前IT產業的生命週期很短,已由以往一年、半年縮短到二個月、半個月,因此完成一快速且嚴謹的開發方式,以符合現今agile軟體的需求。
This thesis is aim to accomplish a system analysis and design procedure to solve the issues of complicated multiple integrated functions and fast variant specifications and also to implement the automatic coating machine system that contains the technologies of real-time display, motion control and precise dispensing by the proposed procedure. I develop synchronous simulating platform by the visual modeling to make the realized system more comprehensive, testable and maintainable. On the other way, the platform aids software design and module reusing. Conscientious dynamic system testing and debugging through graphic user interface guarantees the reliability. Because the life cycle of IT products is only two months or even half month, I proposed a methodology provide the system with well-flexibility and rapid implementation to meet the requirements of agile software nowadays. I hope the overall flow can be applied t different field.
Appears in Collections:Thesis