標題: 組織核心技術能力辨識研究
The identification methodology of an organization's core technological competencies-in example of CCL/ITRI
作者: 許熾榮
Chyh-Rong Hsu
Dr. Chin-Tai Shih
Dr. Chih-Young Hung
關鍵字: 核心能力;核心技術能力;技術策略;知識管理;工研院電通所;Core Competence;Core Technological Competence;Technology Strategy;Knowledge Management;CCL/ITRI
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 由於網際網路的興起以及數位科技的普遍應用,使得企業傳統的經營模式漸漸的改變。知識型社會的興起,未來將是一場以資訊與知識為主導的核心能力競技場。 隨著知識經濟的來臨,技術研發的重要性益發重要,企業如何擬定本身的技術策略,比較精確的瞭解並掌握本身的核心技術能力是最重要的第一步;為探討這個議題,本研究經由相關文獻與資料的整理,先對核心能力及核心技術個個構面,有深入且清楚的認識;再根據國外許多學者與顧問公司辨識核心技術能力的經驗,整合出國內企業與研究機構適用的核心技術能力辨識程序,最後再以一個實際的案例:工研院電通所無線通訊技術為探討對象,驗證辨識程序的可行性與客觀性,使核心技術的辨識跳脫出僅僅是主觀認定的層次,達到可以形成理性決策的過程。 本研究除了推導出一套有系統的辨識過程,降低主觀判斷所產生的偏誤之外,更可以協助企業找出需要發展的核心技術,從而擬定企業本身的技術發展策略以及知識管理發展策略等等,改善傳統SWOT分析以及五力分析所得到的概括性結論,提升策略規劃的決策品質。 國內企業或研究機構應用這套流程於核心技術能力辨識,將可以使企業快速篩選出所需要的技術項目組合,降低為辨識核心技術所耗費的人力、時間等成本、並可以據此擬定企業或研究機構的技術策略、知識管理策略等,提昇決策品質。
Due to the rise of Internet and widely applied of digital technologies. The traditional business models and paradigms are changing rapidly. Innovation and well organized knowledge and information will become the core competencies of a business operations. In the age of knowledge economy, the technology research & development are getting more and more important. Developing technology strategies to increase business competitive advantage are one of the key elements of corporate strategies. But crafting a technology strategy is an analysis-driven exercise, not a task where managers can get by with opinions, good instincts ,and creative thinking. Judgments about what technology strategy to pursue need to flow directly from solid analysis of a company’s internal situation. The evaluation and identification of company’s core technological competencies are the most fundamental steps to help a company develop an effective technology strategy. To explore this issue, this paper conducts a systematic approach to identify a company’s core technological competencies, which decreasing the possible bias of subjective judgement, increasing the accuracy of strategic planning. In addition the systematic identification approach , this paper provides a methodology which help companies quickly screen and find the required core technologies portfolio. It may save a lot of human resources and time to get to the kernel to identify a company's core technologies. The outcomes which evaluated through systematic process provide useful and real materials to help formulate business technology strategies or knowledge management strategies. Improving the quality of a company's strategy formulation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis