Title: 管絃樂曲《色.舞》及其創作理念
"Color-Dancing" for Orchestra and Its Muscial Idea
Authors: 曹安棻
An-Fen Tsao
Yen Lu
Keywords: 色彩;音樂;管絃樂;color;music;Orchestra
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文包括二個部分:ㄧ部分為管絃樂曲《色.舞》,另ㄧ部分為說明此首作品的創作理念、寫作方法與理論基礎等文字陳述。 管絃樂作品《色.舞》為不間斷的單一樂章形式,全曲共有四段。曲中以音樂描繪大自然的綺麗色彩,此曲因而命名為《色.舞》。 文字陳述部分則分為五章:第ㄧ章是陳述管絃樂曲《色.舞》的創作動機,並解釋寫作此曲時所依據的相關理論與研究方向。第二章是對於理論依據「色彩學」所作的初步研究與心得整理。第三章則是闡述「色彩—聲音」的共感覺現象,及檢視歷代音樂作品中色彩與音樂的關係。第四章為對樂曲的解析。第五章為總結,並對自我的評估。
This thesis consists of two parts. First, the orchestral composition of “Color-Dancing” and second the statement of the compositional ideas, methods and the theoretical studies about this work. “Color-Dancing” is an orchestration, which has four sections with continuous movements. I name it “Color-Dancing” because it describes the colorful picturesque landscape. This essay contains five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction of my ideas and concepts, which were derived from my studies in color theory and music. Chapter two presents the color theory in music. Chapter three is the study of “Synesthesia of Color and Sound” and the relation between color and music in masterpieces. Chapter four is the analysis of “Color-Dancing”. Chapter five is the conclusion and self-evaluation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis