標題: 管弦樂曲《時間印象》及其創作理念
“ The Image of Time ” for Orchestra and its Musical Idea
作者: 鄭建文
Chien-Wen Cheng
Dr. Tsung-Hsien Yang
關鍵字: 音樂時間;姿態時間;片刻時間;垂直時間;musical time;gestural time;moment time;vertical time
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本論文由兩個部分構成,包括管弦樂曲《時間印象》以及關於這首作品的創作理念、寫作方法、理論基礎等文字陳述。 樂曲部分是以管弦樂團為編制所寫成,全曲共分為八段,由分別象徵「現在」、「過去」、「未來」的段落所交替組合而成,作為我內心世界回憶與幻想的歷程之寫照。 文字部分則分為六章:第一章在介紹《時間印象》的創作動機,說明以音樂呈現回憶與幻想的思索歷程之樂曲構想。 第二章是針對時間的本質,提出其與「經驗到事件的改變」有關,進而探討線性物理時間與可以是非線性、斷續性的心理時間之異同。 第三章則基於「音樂創造時間」的觀點,探討音樂時間的特殊性,包括由音樂自律性的內容探討音樂時間可以是線性、非線性並存的時間,亦可是多向進行、時序重組的「姿態時間」,或強烈斷續性的「片刻時間」,以及其所具有可引領聽者進入無時間感的心理狀態之「垂直時間」等;也包括由音樂他律性內容探討其所具有之引發不同時空聯想的特質。 第四章則是以第三章所提之音樂時間之特殊性來說明《時間印象》中的時間處理,此外,也探討文化因素、主觀意識、聆聽次數對於聆賞《時間印象》的時間經驗所可能產生的影響。 第五章則就回憶或幻想的歷程,詳細陳述《時間印象》中,各段落所要表達的意涵與音樂上針對其所做的設計與安排。 第六章則是對於本論文作一總結,並對樂曲與論文作一番自我評估。
This thesis consists of two parts : the orchestral composition “The Image of Time” and the essay expounding the compositional ideas, methods, and the theoretical studies concerning this work. This work, scored for orchestra, is divided into eight sections which can be categorized under three kinds of music, each symbolizing “the present”, “the past” and “the future”. It is intended to present my experiences of the internal process of reminiscence and illusion. The essay is arranged in six chapters. Chapter I introduces the ideas and concepts of this composition – to present musically the internal process of reminiscence and illusion. Chapter II presents the basic concepts about time which is closely related with the experiences of changes. This chapter also presents the differences between the linear physical time and the possibly non-linear psychological time. Chapter III, based on the notion that “ Music creates time”, points out some special qualities of musical time. Within musical domain, musical time could be nonlinear and linear at the same time. It could also be multi-directional, temporally reordered “gestural time”, or could be “vertical time” which possesses the power of bringing the listeners into timelessness. Music could also bring listeners to different time and space by allusion and association that are outside of music domain. Chapter IV presents the structural and temporal design in “The Image of Time”, and the possible influences upon listeners brought forth by cultural differences, personal experiences, and the number of times this piece is listened to. Chapter V elaborates the ideas and its musical realization of this work. Chapter VI is the conclusion and a self-evaluation of this musical piece and essay as a whole.