Title: 個人化網路新聞系統—雛形設計
Designing and Implementation of a Web-based Personalized News System
Authors: 黃立文
Li-Wen Huang
Pao-Fang Chang, Ph. D.
Keywords: 個人化;網路;新聞系統;設計;Personal News;Web;XML;WAP;Profile;System;Design;Implementation
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 將電腦當成巨大計算機40年之後,人們開始瞭解電腦的角色是幫助我們以新的方式相互溝通。然而,各式各樣太多的網路新聞來源,使得閱聽人迷失在一片快速擴張的電子叢林裡,並承受著資訊焦慮所帶來的痛苦。
在這研究中,我們從新聞的觀點出發,討論設計個人化新聞系統的各種議題。XML (extensible Markup Language)因為它可將新聞內容和新聞呈現形式分離的能力,被用來實做系統。我們指出了在這樣的系統中,所需的一些重要構成元件,包含了:一個新聞擷取元件、一個記載了使用者新聞喜好的伺服器,讓自動發行元件,能以最符合使用者需求的各種不同形式,來產生個人化的新聞。同時我們也描述了整合各種元件的雛形系統架構。
After 40 years of using computers as giant calculators, People have begun to understand the role of computers is to help us communicate in new ways. However, too many choices from various Web-based news sources make users lost in a rapidly expanding digital jungle and suffer the anxiety of information explosion.
People are in great needs for a Personalized News System (PNS) to help them locate relevant news. Since no journalist was invited to participate the design process of news systems, current news system design is more technology oriented than human oriented, not mention considering the essence of news or customizing for readers’ individual needs.
In this research, we discuss the various issues in designing personalized news systems from a news perspective. XML (extensible Markup Language) is used to implement this system for its ability to distinguish the news content from the news presentation formats. We identify a number of key components in such systems. These include a news extraction component, an personal profile server which locates users’ topics of interests for the generator component to create the personalized news in different forms which best serves the users’ needs. We also describe the architecture of a prototype system that integrates the various components. A “Personalized News System” is finally implemented that the users can get personalized news from different media, such as WWW, cellular phones, Personal Digital Assistants, or emails.
Appears in Collections:Thesis