標題: iSOHO:無線網際網路服務平台之實作
iSOHO:A Wireless Internet Service
作者: 皇甫建君
Chien-Chun Huang-Fu
Dr. Yi-Bing Lin
Dr. Chung-Hwa Rao
關鍵字: 全球式行動通訊系統;短訊服務;網際網路;全球資訊網;無線通訊協定;GSM;Global System for Mobile Communication;SMS;Short Message Service;Internet;WWW;WAP;Wireless Application Protocol
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 隨著無線通訊的蓬勃發展,短訊服務(Short Message Service; SMS)已成為廣泛使用的無線通訊服務之一。現在大部份的數位行動電話系統,皆提供短訊服務做為其加值服務。本文介紹以iSMS閘道器所架構之iSOHO無線服務平台。此平台將網際網路上的許多服務應用在短訊服務上,使用者可藉此隨時隨地利用短訊控制其家用電器的開關狀態,也可以透過短訊服務獲得網際網路上的各項資訊及服務。
Short Message Service (SMS) has become one of the most popular wireless services. Recently, most modern digital mobile phone systems offer SMS as a profitable added-value service. In this paper, we introduce iSOHO wireless service platform based on iSMS Gateway architecture. With this platform, many Internet applications can be run through SMS. For example, users can control their home appliances and access information and services from Internet by using SMS anytime and anywhere.
Appears in Collections:Thesis