標題: 網路化學習歷程檔案系統及同儕評量
Networked Portfolio System with Peer Assessment
作者: 卓宜青
Yi-Ching Cho
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 學習歷程檔案;同儕評量;高層次思考;網路學習
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 學習歷程檔案(portfolio)是有目標性地將學生的學習經過、心得、摘要、表演、作品以及個人自我反省等證據收集起來,以某種方式呈現或進行質化評量。而本研究群以往的研究也已證實同儕互評具有一定的信度與效度,可以提昇學生的成績、高級思考能力、與學習動機,是成年學習者良好的學習及評量方式。因此我們推出一套系統結合上述兩種教學功能,使學生在社群互動中主動建構知識。本系統實際應用在大學部資訊科系課程,作為學生上網繳交作業的工具,藉著本系統的幫助進行同儕互評。而這段學習歷程記錄以時間為順序完整的呈現,並加上自我評量和同儕評量的紀錄,作為過渡到下一學習階段的前行學習歷程檔案(pass along portfolio)或作為求職的資料附件。
Although Taiwan’s Ministry of Education is increasingly emphasizing the use of multi-assessment in middle schools and universities, the conventional methods of assessing students’ ability fail to assess higher-order thinking owing to their inability to motivate students properly. Combining the flexibility of a network with the storage capacity of a computer, this work presents a novel networked portfolio system using peer assessment to assess the higher-order thinking on students. Based on portfolio and peer assessment, the networked portfolio system provides an environment that combines the flexibility of a network with the storage capacity of a computer. This system also allows students to collect their learning recode (including their homework), interact with peers, and critically reflect. Moreover, in addition to helping teachers and researchers assess the higher-order thinking of students, the proposed system also helps students to train their critical thinking and analytical skills. Furthermore, the networked electronic portfolio system with peer assessment can hopefully be implemented throughout all educational levels.