標題: 網路化同儕評量機制在商職文書處理課程的研究
A Study of Networked Peer Assessment on Word Processing Course at Commercial Vocational High School
作者: 林鴻燁
Hung-Yeh Lin
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 學習評量;網路學習;同儕評量;learning assessment;networked learning;peer assessment
公開日期: 2003
摘要:   學習評量是指在學生學習時,用一種統一或非統一、多元或非多元的方式在學生間取得所有學生的學習成果,目的是在了解學生的學習情形、學習進展、及教師的教學情形。同儕評量就是藉著相近背景的學生來參與評量,老師亦能藉此真正實施個別化的教學評量,其理論基礎包含社會學習、社會建構及認知衝突理論。   在此跨年級的同儕評量的關係中,一年級擔任被評量者,二年級擔任評量者,針對電腦文書處理科目,學姊於一年級時已學習過一年的時間,而一年級的學弟妹上了高職後還尚未學習過此科目,同一科目上有先後學習的關係,是否學弟妹在此科目的作品經由學姊的評量後,能引發出學習的功效來,是否學弟妹能信任學姊們的專業及評量,還有學姊們給學弟妹們回饋的舉動,是否相對地也能引發學姊在此科目技能的提升呢?   本研究網路同儕評量實驗單元共四輪,主要活動為學弟妹將作業完成並上載至系統,然後由系統分配給學姊們評論,屬於單向評量,平均評論或被評論的作業份數皆為二~三份。最後進行實驗後測,收集各項實驗的成果。本研究以一實際的網路評量系統及實際的教學環境來建構實驗,觀察學生在實驗前後電腦技能學、術科測驗的表現,及態度量表的呈現,來探討不同的評量方法、學業成就,是否能引發評量學生及被評量學生的反思學習,而在電腦技能學習上有深度的加強,及同儕評量活動學生態度之分析。   本研究發現:學生較先前認真學習,熱烈參與討論,其進步不只來自於實驗所帶來的成效,也來自於班上同學的互相切磋。學姊參與活動的動力不在於技能的精進,而在於可以為學弟妹的進步而努力,學姊們會以過來人的身份,給予具體或是精神上的建議,而學弟妹覺得此評量方式對自己多少有助益。學姊給的分數普遍偏高,似乎意謂著他們希望也可以從老師那邊得到如此的佳績,學弟妹也樂意為分數而在作業上努力。學姊不認為在此活動中,他們的Word技能有所進步,可能的原因是所瀏覽之學弟妹的練習題目太簡單所致。本研究所得出的結論,將能對於在商職教育中,推廣類似的評量機制,提供建設性的參考內容。
  Learning assessment is to acquire students learning performance with uniform or non-uniform, multiple or non-multiple approach. The objective of learning assessment is to understand students learning situation, progression, and teacher’s teaching performance. Peer assessment is a kind of assessment in which assessors and assessees are both students. The theoretical aspect of peer assessment is originated from social learning, social constructivism and cognitive conflictive theorem.   At this cross-grade peer assessment, 1st grade students are assesses and 2nd grade students are assessors. With regarding to word processing course, assessors have learned already while assessees are just beginning. The objective of this study is to investigate whether 1st grade students learning performance can be enhanced by 2nd grade students assessment, and whether 1st grade students trust on 2nd grade students professional and assessment. Furthermore, if 2nd grade students learning performance on similar course can be promoted through providing feedback to assesses on this assessment.   Networked peer assessment activity was repeated for four times. Major processes are: 1st grade students did their assignment and uploaded to system, then system dispatched these assignments to 2nd grade students for assessing automatically. The assessment process is in one-way manner, each assessor assesses 2-3 assignments. Finally, posttest was conducted to collect experimental results. Experiment conducted in this study is based on actual networked assessment system and learning environment. By way of investigating computer skill and hands-on performance as well as attitude inventory between pretest and posttest to understand if different assessment approach and learning achievement can advocate assessors’ and assessees’ reflective learning.   The result showed that students are more hard working and actively participating discussion. Their progression is not only from this activity but also from sharing and discussion among classmates. The motivation of 2nd grade students is not on skill improvement but to improve 1st grade students progression. 2nd grade students will give concrete or spiritual suggestion with their experience to 1st grade students. The scores given by assessors are toward to higher than norm. The reason for this may be assessors wish to get similar result from teacher and assessees are like to work diligent for their score. 2nd grade students do not agree that their word processing skill get further improvement through this activity. Possible reason is 1st grade students’ test items are too simple to advocate reflection for 2nd grade students. When promoting such kind of assessment mechanism in commercial vocational education, the result of this study will provide constructive reference.