標題: 推廣網路同儕互評系統於高級工業職業學校教學課程之研究
Popularizing Networked Peer Assessment System in Courses of Vocational Industrial High School
作者: 楊國鑫
Kuo Hsin Yang
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 同儕互評;評量效度;學習態度;組合語言;職業學校;變通評量;高級工業職業學校;Peer assessment;Assessment validity;Student attitudes;Assembly language;Vocational industrial senior high school;Alternative assessment;Vocational industrial senior high school
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 摘 要 近年來隨著電腦網際網路的快速發展,網際網路應用於教育學習活動中逐漸盛行。另一方面,在教學評量中發展出許多新式的評量方式,其中有關同儕互評的研究漸受重視。綜觀國內外有關同儕互評的研究大多應用於大專教學活動而極少應用於中學生,但以往研究指出同儕互評有適當的可信度,因此本研究將同儕互評結合網際網路應用於高職程度學生之教學活動。對於114位參與教學活動的學生,要求使用8051單晶片組合語言來做程式設計,整理自己所設計之程式為實習報告作業,並於網路上繳交實習報告作業、且於網路上評審三件其他同學的作品,最後必須根據同儕建議修正並完成作業。本研究所得結果為高職學生於網路同儕互評教學活動中的同儕間相互的成績評定是準確而且有高效度的。且參與教學活動的學生之電腦網路態度和同儕互評的評分之間並無顯著相關。在同儕互評歷程中學生最大的憂慮顯然是擔心同儕的專業知識不足。總結得知,在高職的教學活動中,若作業設計難度適當,實施同儕互評是適當而有效的教學方式,學生在這樣的歷程中,超越傳統學習者的角色,練習進行評論、比較、檢核,而顯示評審用心的學生能在給予回饋時進行高層思考。也就是說,學生不僅從教師的教學中獲得知識,更可以在相互評量的過程中學習成長。
Abstract Previous research has proved that peer assessment is an effective and valid method in many courses of higher education. This study attempted to popularize networked peer assessment system in course of Taiwanese vocational industrial senior high school. There are 114 subjects participate in three programming language classes. In addition to hand in programming work and reports in network, students had to review 3 works of peers in network and then to revise original work according to peer’s comments. Research findings showed that students have pretty accurate and significant ratings, and the correlation between peer rating and teacher rating was suitably significant. Students responded that the peer assessment offered observation on others’ programming work, feedback for self-improvement, self-reflection, and double blind review promoted critical feedback. However, students were not comfortable about evaluated by classmates with less expertise than the teacher. If the task difficulty was appropriate, networked peer assessment in course of Taiwanese vocational industrial senior high school is realizable. The higher order thinking activated during peer assessment were comments, error diagnostic, and comparison. Students can learn not only through teacher but also in peer assessment activities.