標題: 學習共同體模式對學習成就與學習態度之影響-以高職資訊科電子學課程為例
The Effects of Learning Community Model on Learning Achievement and Attitude- A Case Study of the Electronics Course in the Department of Computer Science of Vocational High School
作者: 王建富
Wang, Chien-Fu
Lee, Jong-Eao
關鍵字: 學習共同體;學習態度;學習成就;Learning Community;Learning Achievement;Learning Attitude
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究旨在探討以學習共同體模式教學,對高職資訊科電子學課程學習成就與學習態度之影響。研究對象為新北市某私立高中附設職業類科,資訊科二年級學生,實驗組1班38人、控制組1班41人,兩班共79人。實驗組於電子學課程實施學習共同體模式教學,控制組於電子學課程實施傳統式講述教學。實施為期八週、每週3節課的教學實驗。在教學實驗進行前後,實驗組與控制組皆實施電子學學習成就與電子學學習態度測驗。所得資料數據以PASW Statistics 18統計軟體進行作資料分析,以獲得相關重要結論如下: 1.實驗組與控制組於教學實驗後發現,接受學習共同體模式教學的班級,其學習成就優於接受傳統式講述教學的班級,並達顯著差異(p=.004)。 2.實驗組與控制組於教學實驗後發現,接受學習共同體模式教學的班級,其學習態度優於接受傳統式講述教學的班級,並達顯著差異(p=.002)。 3.實驗組於電子學課程實施學習共同體模式教學後,班級的學習態度比教學實驗實施前進步,並達顯著差異(p=.001)。 以上顯示,本研究實施的學習共同體模式教學,在高職資訊科二年級電子學課程上,能有效提升學生的電子學學習成就,與電子學學習態度。
This study aims to investigate the mode of teaching in the learning community, and the impact on achievement and learning attitude of Department of Computer Science of Vocational High School. The subject is the second graders in the private senior high school of New Taipei City. The experimental group contains thirty-eight students, and the control group contains forty-one, and seventy-nine in total. The teaching method is the experimental group is the learning community mode. As for the control group, the traditional lecturing teaching mode is used. The experiment lasted for eight weeks, three hours per week. Before the experiment, the exam of learning achievement and the questionnaire of learning attitude were conducted by both groups. The result and the data were analyzed by PASW Statistics 18 software, and the outcome showed as following: 1. The learning achievement on experimental group was better than the control group with significant differences. (p=.004)。 2. The learning attitude on experimental group was better than the control group with significant differences. (p=.002)。 3. The learning attitude on experimental group was better after receiving the learning community mode instruction, compared with that before the instruction, with significant differences. (p=.001)。 The study above showed that the implementation of the learning community mode can effectively enhance students' learning achievement and the learning attitude of electronic courses.