標題: 利用位能場做三維機械手臂之路徑規劃
Path Planning Of 3-D Manipulators Using Potential Fields
作者: 吳國華
Kuo-Hua Wu
Jen-Hei Chuang
關鍵字: 位能場;機械手臂;路徑規劃;三維機械手臂;Potential Field;Manipulators;Path Planning;3-D Manipulators
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本論文提出一個三維機械手臂路徑規劃的演算法,演算法利用實體工作空間的廣義位能場模型做避碰的路徑規劃,並且能夠在合理的時間內,計算出三維機械手臂一系列的無碰撞組態,以到達所指定的目的地。本論文利用三維的廣義位能場模型,計算機械手臂取樣點與障礙物間之推斥力,進而由此推斥力計算出障礙物所施予每節機械手臂的合力與轉動力矩,合力與轉動力矩最小的組態為最低位能組態,在工作空間找尋一系列的最低位能組態,就能找到安全與平滑的路徑。實驗結果顯示此演算法可應用到高自由度機械手臂的路徑規劃,包括總節數在六以上,自由度在十八以上的機械手臂,均可以在合理的時間內,完成整體的路徑規劃。
A path planning algorithm of 3-D manipulators is presented in this thesis. The algorithm utilizes a generalized potential field to model the 3-D workspace to avoid collision. A safe and smooth path of a manipulator can be generated by searching for collision-free, minimal potential configurations along the path using the repulsive forces and torques between the manipulator and the obstacles due to the potential field. Simulation shows that satisfactory results in terms of safety and smoothness of manipulator path as well as computation efficiency can be obtained for manipulators up to 18-DOF.