標題: 利用位能場規劃以機械手臂傳遞之路徑
Potential Based Path Planning for an Object Convey by Multiple Manipulators
作者: 劉開國
Kai¬-Guo Liu
Jen-Hui Chuang
關鍵字: 位能場;路徑規畫;機械手臂;potential field;path planning;manipulator
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文針對三維空間中的多機械手臂傳遞物體之路徑規劃問題提出一演算法。該演算法在工作空間中,利用三度空間的廣義位能場模型計算障礙物對手臂所產生之推斥力,以保證手臂或物體前進時所經過的路徑不會與障礙物互相碰撞。由於我們的方法完全是利用工作空間中的資訊,不需透過大量計算將相關資訊轉到組態空間作處理,因此規劃速度相當快速。我們在空間中加入可移動的物體,並且利用數隻手臂以互相傳遞的方式,來將物體搬運到較遠的終點平面或達成一些單機械手臂無法完成的任務。
An algorithm for path planning of an object conveyed by multiple manipulators is presented in this thesis. The proposed algorithm utilizes a generalized potential model to evaluate repulsion between manipulators and obstacles and between object and obstacles in workspace, so collision avoidance of the planned path can be guaranteed. Without converting information in workspace into C-space, which is computationally expensive, the proposed path planning approach is very efficient. We add a movable object into the workspace. By using the manner of convey between several manipulators, we can transport the object to a remote goal plane, and also make possible some tasks which can not accomplish by a single manipulator.


  1. 356501.pdf

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