Title: 在決策過程中以喜好球的視覺化方式消除喜好衝突
Visualizing and Eliminating Preference Conflicts in Decision Making using Preference Balls
Authors: 張李志平
Chih-Ping ChangLi
Han-Lin Li
Keywords: 喜好衝突;喜好球;視覺化;非遞移性
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本篇論文提出了一種幫助決策者偵測與消除資訊衝突現象的方法, 以達成最後的決策.所提出方法的主要概念是將決策者的喜好比較 投射至三維球體表面,我們將之稱為決策球.對於處理資訊衝突問題 來說,我們所提出的方法比二維平面更準確.
This paper proposes a method of helping a decision maker to detect and eliminate the information conflicting phenomenon thus to reach a final decision. The major concept of the proposed method is to map the decision maker’s preference of pairwise comparisons into a three dimensional ball, called a “preference ball”. Compared with two dimensional diagram treating information conflicting problems, the proposed method can visualize preference information more vivid and accurate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis