Title: 一個物件導向延伸式標示語言為基礎支援無線上網的平台設計與實作
Design and Implementation of An Object-Oriented XML-Based Platform for Wireless Internet Access
Authors: 林炳基
Ping-Chi Lin
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: XML;Wireless;Objec-Oriented;Mobile Device;XML;Wireless;Objec-Oriented;Mobile Device
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本研究主要是設計及實作一個支援多種無線存取裝置存取網際網路(Internet)的平台 --- Any Mobile Device-Platform(AMD-P)。目前已經有多種支援無線裝置的架構或協定(例如: Palm.Net、I-mode、WAP…等等),透過無線行動裝置(例如:手機、個人數位助理…)與無線技術(例如:GSM、CDPD、GPRS、3G….)的結合,提供行動族存取Internet上的資料及服務。但是個人行動裝置的種類繁多、沒有統一的標準瀏覽器(Browser)、多種標示語言(Markup language)的混亂、各種個人行動裝置螢幕大小、顯示能力不同…等等問題,目前都沒有一個好的解決方案。AMD-P將有線與無線的網際網路連結起來,讓網站只需做一次,即可提供目前及未來各種無線行動裝置(例如:手機、個人數位助理…等等)存取網際網路服務。AMD-P利用物件導向的架構,以延伸式標示語言(eXtensible Markup Language,XML)為資料中介儲存格式,並引入物件化的觀念,將網頁的內容(Content)與呈現的方式(Layout)分開,由系統自動偵測無線行動裝置的種類、規格、螢幕大小、支援的標示語言格式、色彩顯示能力…等等,以期提供最佳的顯示效果。讓網際網路服務提供者(Internet Content Provider,ISP)只需開發一次網際網路服務,即可同時支援多種網際網路行動裝置存取的需求。
The primary goal of this study is the design and implementation of a platform – Any Mobile Device-Platform (AMD-P) – that allows many different types of mobile devices to access the Internet. Although there are already several platforms and protocols (e.g. Palm.Net, I-Mode, WAP, etc.) that are making use of wireless technologies (e.g. GSM, CDPD, GPRS, 3G, etc.) to allow wireless mobile devices (e.g. Mobile phones, PDAs, etc.) to access contents and applications on the Internet, because of the numerous variety of mobile devices, markup languages, screen sizes, screen resolutions etc and the lack of standardized browsers, there is yet a superior solution to make the Internet contents be best presented according to the devices’ properties. AMD-P combines wired and wireless Internet content so that content of a website need only to be made once and all wired devices and wireless mobile devices in the present and the future can access it. AMD-P is Object-Oriented, it separates the web layout from the content and uses XML language as its medium for storage. The system will identify the device that is accessing the website and determine its type, specification, screen size, resolution, and language etc., hence can provide the best layout to be presented on the device. This will also allow Internet Content Providers (ISPs) to service wide range of mobile devices by developing its services on the Internet once.
Appears in Collections:Thesis