Title: 以有機金屬氣相磊晶法成長銦砷化鎵量子點之研究
The Study of InGaAs QDs grown by Metalorganic Chmical Vapor Deposition
Authors: 呂淑芳
Sui-Fun Lu
Wei-I Lee
Keywords: 量子點;有機金屬氣相磊晶法;銦砷化鎵;QDs;MOCVD;InGaAs
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 有機金屬氣相磊晶法由於對磊晶層元素組成比例以及磊晶層厚度有相當優良的控制能力,而且適合於工業量產,因此已經成為許多三五族化合物半導體非常重要的磊晶成長技術。量子點由於對電荷載子具有三維的位能束縛,所以製成雷射則有較低的啟動電流。在此實驗中,使用有機金屬氣相磊晶系統研究磊晶參數對InGaAs量子點光學性質與表面特性的影響,量子點的波長會隨著成長厚度、溫度、量子點成長後關掉AsH3時間的增加而增加,而與量子點V/Ⅲ、成長基板的傾斜角度成反比。量子點經熱退火處理會使得波長變短。利用Strain-reducing Layer與MQDs的結構可使得量子點波長拉長,尤其是MQDs可將波長拉長至1238.3 nm。
Due to the excellent control of composition and layer thickness, and the suitability for economical mass production, organometallic vapor phase epitaxy(OMVPE) has become a very important technigue for production of high quality epilayers of a number of Ⅲ/Ⅴcompounds and alloys. A quantum-dot laser is predicted to have a very low threshold current because of its zero-dimensional density of states. In our experiment, the parameters involved in MOCVD system are utilized to research the influences of optical properties and surface morphology of InGaAs quantum dots. The wavelengths of quantum dots increase by increasing the thickness, growth temperature, and growth interruption time. Otherwise, the wavelengths of InGaAs quantum dots are negative proportion to the increasing of V/Ⅲ ratio and misorientation of substrate. Thermal annealing would make the wavelengths of quantum dots blue shift. The quantum dots emittion wavelength can be controllable changed from 1.1 to 1.3μm by introducing strain-reduced layer and MQDs. 中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 有機金屬氣相磊晶法系統簡介及InGaAs量子點的基本原理 4 2-1 有機金屬氣相磊晶系統 4 2-2 本實驗的有機金屬氣相磊晶系統簡介 6 2-3 InGaAs量子點之理論 12 第三章 樣品製備與量測方法 24 3-1 樣品的製備 24 3-2 實驗量測 25 第四章 實驗成果與討論 28 4-1 In0.5Ga0.5As量子點 28 4-2 改變不同實驗參數 29 第五章 結論 75 參考文獻 76
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