Title: 以質子照射磷化銦鎵之缺陷研究
The Study of Defects in Proton-irradiated GaInP
Authors: 蔡錦霞
Chin-Hsia Tsai
Wei-I Lee
Keywords: 缺陷;磷化銦鎵;DLTS;GaInP
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本文主要以深層能階暫態頻譜儀來量測以有機金屬化學氣相磊晶法所成長的碲摻雜磷化銦鎵材料中的深層能階缺陷 , 藉由蕭基二極體作為實驗樣本 , 來觀察材料中存在的多數載子缺陷 , 利用能量200keV , 劑量分別為1012/cm2、1013/cm2、1014/cm2來照射磷化銦鎵 , 尚未用質子照射磷化銦鎵時 , 在100k 附近存在一個多數載子缺陷 , 推判此一缺陷應為DX缺陷 ; 在用劑量為1012/cm2的質子照射磷化銦鎵時 , 發現除了前述的缺陷外 , 在365k 附近尚有一個多數載子缺陷存在 , 其缺陷的活化能為0.56eV ; 而在劑量為1013/cm2與1014/cm2時 , 發現三個多數載子缺陷 , 溫度分別在100 k、283k 及 365 k 附近 , 283k 及365k 缺陷的活化能分別為0.36eV及0.57eV , 在365k 的多數載子缺陷 , 我們判斷此乃由於磷空缺所形成 ; 在283k的多數載子缺陷 , 可能是由於主要的缺陷之間或與雜質互相作用而產生 。
Deep level transient spectroscopy measurements were performed to study the defects in proton-irradiated GaInP , grown by MOCVD. By using schottky structure, majority carrier traps can be observed. We use 200 keV , proton irraiation with a fluence of 1012cm-2、1013cm-2、1014/cm2 .Before proton irradiation , there is a defect at about 100k. The native defect is labled DX that is the deep donor related defect.With a fluence of 1012cm-2 Protons , besides the deep level exists in the same type as above , another majority carrier trap , which activation energy is 0.56eV is found. And With a fluence of 1013cm-2 and 1014/cm2 Protons , there are three traps in the sample , the defects which activation energies are 0.36eV and 0.57eV are respectively at 283k and 365 k . The defect at 365k is caused by VP , and the defect at 283k is probably caused by the interaction of these primary defects between themselves or with impurity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis