Title: 設計與驗證一能同時提供數位衛星視訊及纜線數據服務之光纖至(在)大樓網路
Design and Demonstration of a FTTB/FITB Network for Providing Both DBS Video and Cable Modem Services
Authors: 張志豪
C. H. Chang
Winston I. Way
Keywords: 數位衛星視訊;光纖至大樓;光纖在大樓;纜線數據機;DBS;FTTB;FITB;Cable Modem
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 在本論文中,我們以實驗證明光纖至大樓(FTTB)網路和數位直撥衛星-光纖在大樓(DBS-FITB)網路可成功結合並同時提供數位衛星視訊以及寬頻上網服務。 另外,我們設計了一個偏壓電流控制電路用來控制 1310 nm 回傳通道光傳送機之偏壓電流,當控制電路偵測到纜線數據機有上行的訊號要傳送時,才將雷射二極體偏壓在適當的電流,否則就將雷射二極體關閉。如此一來,在同一時間下傳送光訊號之回傳通道光傳送機數目將極為有限,於是可成功的克服光拍差干擾 (OBI) 以及相對強度雜訊 (RIN) 累積的問題。
In this thesis, we experimentally integrate a FTTB network with DBS-FITB network for providing both video and Internet services. We have proposed how to combine the existing infrastructure of optical fiber with digital broadcasting DBS service. Furthermore, We have also designed a bias control circuit to control the bias current of 1310 nm optical return-path receiver. As a result, the number of 1310 nm return-path transmitters that emit light at the same time will be extremely limited, thus the problem of having OBI or RIN accumulation can be essentially solved.
Appears in Collections:Thesis