Title: 寬頻網路「使用與滿足」研究—比較ADSL與Cable Modem之異同
“Uses and Gratifications Theory”On Broadband Networks—An Examination On ADSL Users and Cable Modem Users
Authors: 林呈達
Cheng -Da, Lin
Shu Chu, Li
Keywords: 寬頻網路;使用與滿足;ADSL;Cable Modem;broadband network;uses and gratifications;ADSL;Cable Modem
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 網際網路普及後,原本窄頻使用已不能滿足大眾需求,寬頻應用大量出現,寬頻網路已成為大眾追逐網路生活的必備工具。本研究從新興媒體的發展過程中,易受到閱聽人的大量需求與不易滿足所影響的角度下,採取「使用與滿足」理論來探討寬頻網路使用者的使用動機與滿足程度。寬頻網路主要可分為ADSL與Cable Modem二者,兩者的動機與滿足自然有其差異存在。
本研究以「使用與滿足」理論作為研究的主軸,瞭解寬頻網路使用者的使用動機(motive)與滿足程度(gratification)為何。並且分析ADSL與Cable Modem兩者的使用者在滿足程度上的差異,藉此研判未來寬頻網路之主流發展方向及寬頻網路彼此兩者的競爭態勢。
在研究方法方面,研究者是先深度訪談ADSL與Cable Modem二者皆有使用的使用者,然後將訪談結果與文獻檢閱所得整合成正式問卷後,以現行使用ADSL與Cable Modem二者其中一者的使用者為研究對象,於2001年7月間採用非隨機立意抽樣方式進行,完成樣本調查。最後總計回收有效問卷為162份,有效的回收率為93.10%。
而在ADSL與Cable Modem的比較方面,t檢定的結果發現,ADSL在「習慣去學習新事物與取得資訊」比起Cable Modem的滿足度要高,使用動機則是沒有差異。而在相關與迴歸分析則發現,ADSL在「習慣去學習新事物與取得資訊」、「興奮愉悅」、「遠離現實世界與事物」、及「社會互動」的滿足程度較高,Cable Modem只有在「寬頻網路的特性與便利使用」勝過ADSL。
As more people get on Internet, they hardly can stand the slow speed the narrowband networks perform. Due to their slow speed, more and more people begin to adopt broadband network. Moreover, as the broadband network technology go advanced, more application and development will be designed for the broadband usage. Since there are two mainstreams in the development of the broadband technology, one is ADSL and the other is Cable Modem, it’s meaningful to know which is more satisfied by the users and which is the possibly potential leader in the future market. Adopting “Uses and Gratifications” theory, this study analyzes the needs and gratifications of broadband subscribers -- to understand the broadband condition and the difference between ADSL and Cable Modem in Taiwan.
A convenience sample with 162 valid questionnaires was obtained to examine the level of actual motives subscribers have and perceived gratification provided by the broadband services. The data shows that the users of ADSL are more satisfied than those of Cable Modem. More findings are discussed in the paper.
Appears in Collections:Thesis