Title: ADSL客戶流失原因探討
The effects of customer churn in Taiwan ADSL
Authors: 吳大□
DA-Min Wu
Edwin Tang
Keywords: 客戶流失;ADSL;ISP;Customer Churn;ADSL;ISP
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 台灣電信自由化後,新業者很快就搶占行動電話市場,然而固定網路業務卻不然。相較於行動電話,固定網路因為需要投入極大資金進行基礎建設,又因為中華電信數十年來已在全國佈建完整之客戶迴路,幾乎已達到每一家戶,使得新興固網業者的客戶必須與中華電信介接,利用中華電信ADSL電路提供客戶上網服務,使新興固網業者在經營上倍感吃力。新興固網業者如台灣固網、亞太固網乃與5大有線電視網路聯網推動『Triple Play三網合一』,挑戰中華電信寬頻客戶結構,已對ADSL客戶流失造成相當的影響。

本研究範圍以中華電信(HiNet)之家庭客戶為主,不包括企業客戶、FTTB,也不包括付費撥接、社區網路、免費撥接、固接專線等客戶。並以北部地區之家庭客戶為範圍,以ADSL 1M/64K及2M/256K合計17,068客戶為研究對象,所擷取的顧客資料分為訓練樣本及驗證樣本兩部分。訓練樣本:包括2005年12月至2006年6月之ADSL現有客戶與流失客戶。驗證樣本:以訓練樣本建立之模式預測2006年4月之現有客戶於2006年6月流失可能性。研究以 SAS 做為資料分析的工具,並使用二元羅吉斯回歸為資料分析與向後刪除法來篩選變數。

Taiwan deregulated its wireless telecommunication in 1997. New operators caught the market in five years. But for fixed-network, the operators except Chunghwa telecom, need to have significant network investment to provide acesss and quality connection. So the new fixed-network operators formed an alliance with cable modem and provided triple play(voice,data,VOD).They challenged Chunghwa telecom to try to switch the subscribers.

This research studies Taiwan ADSL subscribers’ churn. The data is taken from Chunghwa Telecom HiNet ADSL subscriber database in 1M/64K and 2M/256K about 17,068 consumer subscribers during the period of 12/2005 to 06/2006. Michael H.Kutner, Christopher J.Nachtsheim, John Neter, William Li “Applied Linear Statistical Models”(fifth edition)Binary Logistic Regression & backward elimination are applied.

The results indicate the effects of customer churn including payment, length of service, IP of use, minuite of use, frequency of use, etc.These findings provide implications for the ADSL business as well as competition policies for the ADSL market. Therefor HiNet ADSL should provide the killer application and retain high on-line quality to promote subscribers’ satisfaction and loyalty.
Appears in Collections:Thesis