Title: ADSL寬頻網路服務消費者行為及市場區隔之研究
A Study on the Purchasing Behavior of the Customers and Market Segmentation of the ADSL Broadband Network Service
Authors: 王伯珣
Po-Hsun Wang
Prof. Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 消費者行為;市場區隔;生活型態;非對稱數位用戶迴路ADSL
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 2001年初,取得經營執照之三家固網業者陸續加入市場,並將目標建構於可提供語音、數據和多媒體服務的寬頻網路,寬頻上網的趨勢在全球各國已逐漸蔓延,寬頻上網未來必將逐漸取代現今窄頻技術而成為家庭上網的主流。根據資策會統計資料,截至2001年12月底止,我國網際網路使用人口已達782萬人,其中透過ISP服務撥接上網的用戶數達525萬,ADSL用戶有92萬,雖然有5百多萬撥接用戶的潛在市場,但如何有效吸引既有的撥接用戶移轉至ADSL市場,是業者現今的重要課題。
At the beginning of 2001, the 3 fixed network companies which got the running licenses entered the market successively, and structure the goal— the broadband network which can provide the voice, data and multi-media services. The trend of broadband net has prevailed in the world gradually. The broadband net will progressively replace the nowadays narrowband technique definitely, and become the main stream of accessing to net in the families. According to the FIND’s statistical data, at the end of 2001’s December, Taiwan’s Internet population stood at 7.82 million, the dial-up number thru ISP service is about 5.25 million, ADSL subscribers are about 0.92 million. Though more than 5 million dial-up subscribers’ potential market, how to lead the above subscribers to ADSL is the important issue of telecommunication co.
The study investigates the purchase behaviors of the ADSL broadband Network service and divides the whole ADSL market properly into several segments. The characteristics and behaviors of the consumers in each segment are then analyzed and described that it may help the service providers choose their adequate marketing strategy. For this purpose, EKB model is used as a conceptual frame, and AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis of market segmentation. By factoring analysis, eight factors are extracted from lifestyle variables. And three consumer groups are separated out by clustering analysis.
The results show that: 1.with Chi-Square test and variance analysis, the ADSL broadband network product consumers can be segmented effectively by the lifestyle variances. 2.the use time of consumption reality variances of the buyers in each market segment is not significantly different. 3.the demographics, information source, evaluation criteria, purchase motivation and another consumption reality variances in each market segment are significantly different. Based on the present investigation, marketing strategy is proposed for the three segmented market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis