Title: 從顧客關係管理的觀點探討顧客滿意度之影響因素—國內晶圓代工製造業實證研究
From the View of CRM to Study the Key Factors of Customer Satisfaction – The Case of Taiwanese Foundry Industry
Authors: 劉偉仁
Wei-Jen Liu
Jen-Hong Huang
Keywords: 顧客關係管理;顧客滿意;信任;承諾;未來合作意願;Customer Relationship Management;Customer Satisfaction;Trust;Commitment;Future Intension
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文針對電子商務的發展現況,晶圓代工製造業應用 「顧客關係管理」對廠商提供的產品及服務以及晶圓代工製造業顧客對實際執行 「顧客關係管理」 之滿意度評估與調查、新興應用及未來發展趨勢及機會分析作一全面性的深入剖析。本文透過問卷調查方式,調查國內顧客與國外顧客就晶圓代工製造業四個主要的績效評估:「產能水準」、「品質良率」、「生產週期」和「定價策略」,透過文獻之量表設計,藉以瞭解國內顧客與國外顧客在「信任」、「承諾」、「顧客滿意」與「未來合作意願」分析之差異。
調查結果國內顧客在「顧客滿意」方面較低,但「未來合作意願」方面較高; 國外顧客則相反。顯示國內顧客主要是由無自己工廠之積體電路設計公司,此類公司對晶圓代工製造業之依存性較高;而國外公司則大部分有自己本身之晶圓廠,由於蓋廠成本很高,且委由合作之晶圓代工廠在「產能水準」、「品質良率」和「生產週期」皆能滿足需求,所以滿意度較高; 相對的國外顧客因為本身有自己的晶圓廠能提供自己部分產能,且國外顧客對景氣循環較國內顧客敏感,所以「未來合作意願」 比國內顧客低。加強國內顧客產能之提供,以增加國內顧客之滿意度; 這是本研究就地區別差異之主要發現。
This paper established the current status of Electronic Commerce (EC) using in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of the Taiwanese Foundry Company. For analyzing the future trend, application and opportunity of the Customer Relationship Management of the Taiwanese Foundry Company. We used the Questionnaire Research Method to realize the difference between the Taiwanese customers and American customers about “Output”,“Yield”, “Cycle Time” and “Pricing”. And we want to realize the difference between the Taiwanese customers and American customers about “Trust”, “Commitment”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Future Intension”.
The results showed the Taiwanese Customers got lower score in Satisfaction but higher score in Future Intension. The American Customers got higher score in both Satisfaction and Future Intension. So, we suggested the Foundry Company to help the Taiwanese Design Houses to focus on the Products research and development. To enforce the competence force of the Taiwanese Design Houses is the most important work of the Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry. This is the research result of this paper.
Appears in Collections:Thesis