標題: 台鐵餐旅服務總所販賣台業務委外經營之研究
The Study of Outsourcing Concession stands of Food & Travel Service Department in Taiwan Railway Administration
作者: 首志先
Jyh-Shian Shou
Dr. Jaw-Ming Chen
Dr. Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 販賣台;台灣鐵路局;餐旅服務總所;自己經營販賣台;委外經營販賣台;concession stands;Taiwan Railway Administration;Food & Travel Service Department;TRA-operated concession stands;outsourcing
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 台鐵餐旅服務總所在各車站設置販賣台銷售餐飲、食品、書報雜誌等零售業務,從早期的「自己經營」方式逐漸變更為「委外經營」的模式。販賣台業務採用委外經營的策略,除了降低營運成本,提高經營效率的經濟目的考量外,也是配合政府公營企業民營化政策導向的具體做法。然則,委外策略的實施,是否能有效降低成本、增加盈利及提供良好的服務品質給顧客,實有加以分析釐清的必要。 本研究針對販賣台銷售收集「自己經營」與「委外經營」的實際財務資料,據以比較分析其財務經營績效,同時設計服務品質問卷調查表,對各車站販賣台的顧客作問卷抽樣調查,據以統計分析其服務品質水準與程度,使得販賣台委外經營的實質結果能較清晰客觀的呈顯出來,有助於經營管理者思考未來各項業務經營方式的運用與決策取向。
Food & Travel Service Department in Taiwan Railway Administration(TRA)has set up concession stands selling food, newspaper, and magazines in each of railroad stations. Concession stands have been changed from TRA-operated into outsourcing gradually, which not only can lower operation cost to raise efficiency based on economic purposes but also can achieve the goal of privatization leading by government. However, it is necessary to analyze and clarify whether implementation of outsourcing strategy can lower cost and increase profit, and provide better service quality to customers. This study compares the operational performances according to financial statements of concession stands between 「TRA-operated」and 「outsourcing 」. Furthermore, the questionnaire survey focusing on the customers of concession stands analyzes the level of service quality so that consequences of outsourcing can be explained objectively. This study also can provide the management level different operational strategies and consider how to utilize in the decision making process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis